Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

To prepare homemade jellied cake batter is used (as in fritters). Make a dough on kefir will be quite simple. And with stuffing, no difficulties should arise. Cook it will be out of chicken, browned with onions, carrots and ginger. Jellied cake is too gentle, with a delicious crust and spicy ginger finish. Recipe decorated steps to make a photo that will help you better understand the subtleties of cooking.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

for the preparation of test products:

• yogurt or sour milk (yogurt) - 300 ml;

• chicken egg - 1 pc .;

• Salt - 1/3 tsp .;.

• soda - 1/2 tsp .;.

• meal - 300-400 grams.

for the preparation of fillings Products:

• chicken (boiled) - 1 pc .;

• Carrots - 1 pc .;

• onion - 3 pieces. (Small);

• ginger root - 10-15 grams;

• salt - to taste;

• sunflower oil - 30 ml.

For a start, we will prepare the filling, so she had time to cool down, while we engage in the test. To do this, carrots, onions and ginger root, we need to get rid of the peel and chop.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Onions cut into half rings, and carrot and ginger - long thin cubes (julienne).

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

In the frying pan with vegetable oil tormented our vegetables over low heat until the onions will become transparent state - as in the photo below.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

While Passero vegetables, we will have time to cut the meat, pre-boiled chicken, small pieces.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

During longing vegetables I usually have time to prepare the form in which I will bake a cake. At this time, for baking, I use a regular pan duralumin. Just to lay her parchment greased.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

So when the vegetables are ready, we need to mix them with chopped chicken and season with salt.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Now, until the filling cools, you need to make the dough for the filling of the pie.

Starting to cook the dough, yogurt should be poured into a bowl, add to it salt, baking soda and stir.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Next, add in a mixture of egg and stir until uniform.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

gradually begin to mix the flour.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Ideally, our dough should be free of lumps and density resemble sour cream.

The next thing to do is to "collect" the pie.

First, in a container for baking we pour approximately half of the dough. Then, it is necessary to lay neatly filling, uniform layer.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Top stuffing pour the rest of the batter.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Now, about how to bake a pie filler. "Collected" the cake is baked in a preheated oven at medium heat for 30-40 minutes.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

it is possible to check the readiness by piercing with a knife or toothpick. At the point of contact, the dough should not stick to the surface.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Ready jellied meat pie with chicken is passed on to a beautiful dish.

Jellied cake on kefir with meat and vegetables - how to cook a pie stuffed with filler, a step by step recipe photos

Let it cool slightly before slicing and serve with a cup of herbal tea or tomato juice.