Open pie with mushrooms and cheese
Today, we will prepare an open pie with mushrooms and cheese - one of the most popular types of baked goods. Home-made cake - the most desirable and easy dish that can be prepared quickly, where as a filling, you can use almost any kind of food.
In the preparation of cakes which just do not use the stuffing. Fillers are sweet, meat, berries and vegetables. It was only necessary to know the preference of the home and then even the simplest cake seems the most delicious.
Mushroom pie with cheese - a step by step recipe
The first step is to prepare the dough is not difficult for our cake: in a deep bowl sift the flour and mix it with salt. Through a large grater rub chilled butter and combine with flour spoon.
Top pour 50 grams of cold water and quickly knead not strong elastic dough for the pie.
The finished dough is passed on to the work surface, roll out into the formation, and then spread into a circular shape and form a rim. While we will prepare the filling, shape the dough to cool in the refrigerator.
In the meantime, Let us preparing the mushroom filling: for this cut onions into cubes.
Mushrooms washed and cut into thin plates.
In a pan melt the tablespoon of oil and fry the onion in it until slightly soften.
Next, put the mushrooms, mix with onions and continue frying in extinguishing time - 15 minutes. The process should be salt and pepper to taste and stir.
In a separate bowl, trying to drive the egg, pour the sour cream, sprinkle with salt, stir until smooth.
Mozzarella cheese cut into moderately thin rectangular plates.
Date of conventional cheese rub on a grater.
Turn on the oven and reheated. The cooled dough is taken out from the refrigerator and bake at 200 degrees, no more than 15 minutes.
In the hot dough impose exactly half of the mushroom filling.
On top of fungi decompose pieces of mozzarella cheese.
The next layer spread the rest of the mushrooms and pour the sour cream filling.
And finally, the last layer sprinkle with grated cheese and shift the form into the oven. Bake mushroom pie with cheese is not more than 30 minutes.
The result tastes very sweet cake with incredibly delicious fillings. Recommended pie with mushrooms and cheese to consume warm.