Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Shangi or shanezhki - dish pioneers. Born in the Russian north, it is with the settlers crossed the Ural and won the whole of Siberia up to the Far East. This is not a cheesecake pies and, as a special type of a small or large (30 to 10 cm in diameter) cakes of yeast dough, which is put on top thick layer or a thick smeared, a savory necessarily, but satisfying filling. Shangi can do with sour cream and flour by pasting, with peas or any viscous porridge, but the most popular were and remain shangi potatoes.

Today we will make muffins, yeast shangi. But, if you do not add to the dough the egg and butter substitute vegetable, the feast of hearty pastries will be in the post. About how to prepare shangi with potatoes in the oven, and I'll detail in the recipe, and steps taken photos illustrate preparation.

For the test we need:

  • 125 ml of milk or water;
  • and 25 grams of fresh yeast (or 1 teaspoon dry..);
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • one egg;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • about 400 grams of flour.

To lean shanezhek:

  • is replaced by butter 4 tbsp. l. vegetable;
  • egg and sour cream from a layout remove;
  • increase the rate of liquid up to 200 ml.

Cooking start with a test. Since the filling on shangi much, the dough should be very elastic, to keep in shape and not collapse under its weight. That is why, it is better not to take advantage of the dry and fresh yeast live and pre-start the brew.

How do I put a sponge dough

Prepare its simple. Combine the water, sugar and yeast and knead until homogeneous.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

A cup of brew with something covered (at least cling film) and put the minutes for 15-30 minutes (depending on the quality of the yeast) in a warm place.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Good yeast will start to come to life right before your eyes.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Opara and bubbled irrepressibly climbed out of the bowl - it's time to knead the dough.

How do I make the dough into shangi

Our Siberian and Ural grandmother put the dough in the kneading trough, but personally I prefer to use the services of the bread maker or food processor. While fit dough, we melted butter, but not to a liquid state, and to a soft spreadable mass. Brew poured into a container, to the same ship oil, egg, sour cream.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Sift flour, enriching it with oxygen. Put salt in the last turn, so as not to hamper the development of yeast. If desired, the dough can be flavored cardamom, nutmeg or ground fenugreek.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

While the dough is suitable, prepare the stuffing.

How to cook stuffing of potatoes

Boil the potatoes in salted water. You can do the usual mashed potatoes, but much tastier than it is with the addition of fried onions, mushrooms or greaves. We will have onions, fried in butter.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Cooking potatoes merge and turn into a puree using a blender or tolkushkoy. But after the blender turns viscous paste, and tolkushkoy leaves unbroken pieces. If we want to get the perfect smoothie absolutely correct consistency, it is best to use a special press.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

to intervene in potatoes, fried onions, salt, pepper, add the hot milk, stirring, bring sauce to the desired degree of density.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Potato toppings DONE, but before mold shangi need to let it cool down to a temperature of fresh milk, not higher.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

At that time, the yeast dough has grown. It turned out strong, very luxuriant, but elastic. It is good to keep the weight of the potato itself and does not settle and flatten.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

How to cook shangi

The dough is punched, cut into portions. In our case, it's best to do shanezhki 24, that is, 12 pieces on each baking sheet.

Fillings take as much and dough, or a bit more (optional). Can be molded shangi hands: roll balls of dough and potatoes, flatten them into cakes and put a circle on the potato dough.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

But the faster, more comfortable and more beautiful it can be done using the condiment rings. Blanketed baking silicone mat, flour powder, we arrange the desired distance ring. Put the dough in the portion piece ring, distribute fingertips. Then, in the same manner lay stuffing, flatten and remove the ring.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Cover with baking cloth and stavlyaem 20-30 minutes for proofing.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

How to bake potatoes shangi

Our strong dough has come, so well has increased to the extent that shanezhki become a little like cheesecake. Smazhem of beaten egg or egg-milk mixture and to send heated to 200-220 degrees oven for 25-30 minutes.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

The lush, rosy, Siberian yeast shangi ready.

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

They can be eaten hot, warm, cold. You can even freeze as well as the need to get, to thaw, reheat in the microwave - and once again they will be fresh and soft, as if straight from the heat - with the heat!

Shangi delicious potatoes from yeast dough - shangi how to cook with potatoes in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Delicious shangi with potatoes - a dish-sufficient, but it is "matey," that is well combined with a wide variety of products. If Shangu pour the sour cream, add a few slices or something meat, fish, or just sprinkle with fresh herbs, you will have not just a meal but a real feast!