Lemon marmalade at home

Without any chemical additives and dyes, can be easily prepared from natural and better products available favorite treat, as kids and adults alike - lemon marmalade. This culinary product is not afraid to give and children, of what actually they are always happy

Nowadays, when production was marmalade mass producers began to use cheaper materials such as starch, synthetic dyes, bone gelatin and various artificial flavors. So I ask - why such a product, if it is possible to cook a natural marmalade at home

How to make marmalade home recipe

In a separate bowl breed gelatin pre prokipyachonnoy cold water and give be melted in 10 minutes

Meanwhile, in another deep bowl pour the sugar water, put on the stove all the time and mixing bring to a boil, and then cook a little longer until the sugar dissolves and thickens

Lemon marmalade at home

Sugar syrup remove from heat, pour the gelatin to get divorced and straining add squeezed lemon juice

Lemon marmalade at home

Thoroughly mix everything, pour in a special silicone mold or into a wide bowl and we shift into the cooling chamber, to complete solidification, for about 2 hours.

Lemon marmalade at home

After a while gently released from the dishes and cut into small square pieces. You can also cut a patterned mold

Lemon marmalade at home

Lemon dessert rolled in sugar and you are ready to consume, while not forgetting to share with everyone - kids more!

Lemon marmalade at home

In this recipe you can prepare marmalade, not only from a lemon, but also from other fruits and berries that turns out not less tasty!