3 recipe salad - video recipes at home

3 recipe salad - video recipes at home

Like any other time-tested dish salad is a classic recipe and many variations. Experiments with ingredients and seasoning are very successful, but before proceeding with them - a classic salad recipe.

Vinaigrette Salad Recipe

It is necessary: ​​

2 pcs. boiled beets

3 pcs. cooked carrots

4 things. boiled potatoes

4 pickles

100 g of sauerkraut

1 medium onion

4 tbsp. l. canned green peas

4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil

Salt to taste

How to prepare:

1 Cooked vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes the same size.

2 Finely chopped pickles.

3 Onion peel and finely chop.

4 sauerkraut shred when needed.

5 Connect to a bowl sliced ​​beets, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, onions, cabbage and peas. Fill with sunflower oil. Season with salt.

The most famous varieties of lettuce - is vinaigrette with herring and vinaigrette with mushrooms. Pickled mushrooms in the recipe can be used as an alternative pickles: it turns out unusual and very tasty! If you select the mushrooms are very small in size, they can be put entirely for salad that will decorate your salad.

3 recipe salad - video recipes at home


It is necessary: ​​

2 pcs. boiled beets

4 things. boiled potatoes

1 medium onion

200 g of saline fungi (luteus, mushrooms, white mushrooms) 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil

Salt to taste


1. Cooked vegetables are cleaned and cut into equal size cubes

2 Onion peel and finely chop.

3 Mushrooms wash of the brine and cut, if they are too big to be used in its entirety.

4 Connect beets, potatoes, mushrooms and onions. Fill with sunflower oil, salt to taste.

3 recipe salad - video recipes at home

Recipe salad with herring

It is necessary: ​​

150g fillet salted herring

2 pcs. boiled beets

2 pcs. cooked carrots

2 pcs. boiled potatoes

3 pickles

1 red onion

For the sauce:

1 h. L. Slide-grain mustard

6 tablespoons. l. vegetable oil

1 tbsp. l. wine vinegar

Salt, sugar, freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. In a deep tank mix all ingredients for the sauce, whisk until thick homogeneous sauce.

2 Cooked vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes the same size.

3 Cucumber peel and seeds and cut into cubes.

4 Chop onion finely.

5 herring cut into small cubes.

6. In a bowl, combine cooked vegetables, herring and cucumber.

7. Fill the sauce and serve.