A simple meatless dinner - video recipes at home

A simple meatless dinner - video recipes at home
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A simple meatless dinner - video recipes at home

Before the end of Lent is almost here, but you

probably broke his head that would have such lean

cook for dinner ?!

We offer 3 simple and easy recipe from the famous Moscow chefs, who assured us that even the most tedious and boring vegetables can cook delicious. So today in our menu salad, soup and potato pancakes - they are pancakes! Getting Started!

Classic Vinaigrette Chef Andrew Corned beef from the restaurant "SchiSliva"

A simple meatless dinner - video recipes at home

must: (in 2 portions) 2 beet

2 potatoes

50 g of sauerkraut

1 red onion, medium size

2 pickles midsize

vegetable refined oil - for refueling

salt and pepper - to taste

1 tbsp. l. green peas

greens - for decoration

How to prepare:

  1. Beets and potatoes boiled in their skins. Peel and cut into cubes 1 * 1 cm.
  2. sauerkraut and red onion finely chop, cucumber cut into cubes 0 5 0 * 5 cm.
  3. Mix all the ingredients, drizzle with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Put on a plate. If you are lucky enough to own cooking rings, it is possible to file a vinaigrette effectively, both in the restaurant - put the ring on a serving plate, put the vinaigrette, press spoon, remove the form.
  5. Cover with green peas, garnish with greens. On request, served with pesto.

The most delicious soup sweet pepper from the chef from Maxim Myasnikov restobara "Barbara Bar"

A simple meatless dinner - video recipes at home

must: (in 2 portions) 300 g of pepper

50 g of onions

50 g of celery

10 g of garlic

300 ml of vegetable broth

salt, pepper, cinnamon - to taste

olive oil - for frying

How to prepare:

  1. Bulgarian pepper bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C.
  2. celery and onions cut into strips and fry few minutes on olive oil with a crushed garlic paste. Pour vegetable broth and bring to boil.
  3. Bulgarian pepper to cool, remove the skin and seeds, chop and add to soup.
  4. To cook the soup until fully cooked vegetables, add salt and spices to taste.
  5. Beat the immersion blender to obtain a cream-soup, pour plates.
  6. Serve the soup with rye bread roll and dried tomatoes.

AMAZING pancakes prepared all the same Maxim Myasnikov for us

It is necessary: ​​ 600 g of potatoes

400 g flour

100 ml of olive oil

30 grams fennel

500 ml water

100 g of radish

100 g of fresh cucumber

salt and pepper - to taste

How to prepare:

  1. Peel the potatoes and grate. Add the flour, water, olive oil and finely chopped dill.
  2. Knead the dough, add spices to taste and bake in a pan with olive oil as a pancake.
  3. Cucumber and radish cut into strips and mix.
  4. Prepared potato pancakes served with a salad of cucumber and radish. If you find lean sour cream, a perfect combination!

Bon appetit!