Lunch of calamari - video recipes at home

Lunch of calamari - video recipes at home

How to cook a delicious dinner with the first, second and third - from a single product? Elementary!

The secret is in the right combination of products, which allows you to enjoy a family feast.

Dishes of squid from chefs Konstantin Ivlev and Yury Rozhkov:

In today's menu: original starter - a salad of squid, unusual oatmeal soup, calamari "gentle" and lemon-sour cocktail.

Lunch first: the chicken

second lunch: shrimp

third Lunch: fish

Lunch Four: tongue

Original appetizer salad of squid

Lunch of calamari - video recipes at home

salad recipe squid

It is necessary: ​​

200 g of squid (boiled or canned)

3 hard boiled eggs

1-2 tomatoes

1-2 pickled cucumbers

1 onion and a bit of green onion

4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise


1. squid cut into strips.

2 Eggs, tomatoes and cucumbers cut into thin slices.

3 Onion cut into half rings, pour over boiling water.

4 Green onions finely chop.

5 All the mix, season with mayonnaise, put in a salad bowl. 6. Before serving, decorate with slices of ingredients used.

Read on: Oatmeal soup with squid, squid, "gentle" and lemon-sour cocktail:

Soup oatmeal unusual

Lunch of calamari - video recipes at home


It is necessary: ​​

200 g of squid

200 g of oat groats

4-5 potatoes

2 onions

1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

Salt to taste


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, season with salt.

2 Cooking with oatmeal.

3 Fry the onions in the oil.

4 Boil the squid.

5 When the potatoes and barley is almost cooked, add the cooked squid, cut into strips and fried onions in butter, and cook until ready.

Read on: Squids "gentle" and lemon-sour cocktail:


Lunch of calamari - video recipes at home


100 g of mayonnaise

100 g of cream

200 g of squid

2 onions


1. In a saucepan pour water mixed with mayonnaise and sour cream. 2 Shuffle.

3 Cleaned squid put in the sauce, add 2 onions.

4 Boil until cooked.

5 Serve in its own juice, removing the onions and cut squid coarsely obliquely - as a separate dish, or to supplement it with chips or steamed vegetables.

Read on: Lemon sour cocktail

RECIPE Lemon Sour cream COCKTAIL

Lunch of calamari - video recipes at home


1 lemon

1 cup sour cream

2 cups of tea

4 tbsp. l. honey

How to prepare:

1 Brew 2 cups of strong tea.

2 Put honey.

3 Stir and cool.

4 Add sour cream and mix.

5 Pour the lemon juice, whisk and pour into glasses.

Bon Appetit!