Lunch language: 4 prescription - video recipes at home

Lunch language: 4 prescription - video recipes at home
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Lunch language: 4 prescription - video recipes at home

How to cook a delicious dinner with the first, second and third, and

while saving?

What to cook from the language? Watch the video master class from Chef Konstantin Ivlev and Yury Rozhkov. Salad of beef tongue and veal tongue with ragout of potatoes:

How to cook a delicious dinner with the first, second and third, and still save money? Elementary! The secret is in the right combination of products, which allows you to enjoy a family feast.

In today's menu: the original snack - boiled tongue with horseradish; sour cream sauce with horseradish; Chowder Old Russian; language, fried with onions.

Lunch first: the chicken

second lunch: shrimp

third Lunch: fish

The sequence of cooking dinner: boiled tongue. Broth and the meat used in different dishes.

The original snack: boiled tongue with horseradish

Lunch language: 4 prescription - video recipes at home

ORIGINAL RECIPE appetizer of boiled beef tongue with horseradish

It is necessary: ​​

1 medium-sized beef tongue

1-2 onions

1 carrot

1 pickled cucumber


Bay leaf


Sour cream sauce with horseradish - to taste


1. Good washed beef tongue dipped in boiling water. 2 Put the onions, carrots, roots (as when cooking meat).

3 Salt and spices to add 15 minutes until tender.

4 Laurel - 5 minutes until tender.

5 Ready tongue dipped in cold water.

6. Remove the skin, since the thin end.

7. The purified language put in the broth in which it was cooked.

8 Cool.

9 Remove from the broth.

10 Cut diagonally, starting with the thick end.

11 Serve with pickled cucumber, sour cream and horseradish sauce.

sour cream sauce with horseradish

Lunch language: 4 prescription - video recipes at home

RECIPE sour cream sauce with horseradish


1 cup sour cream

1 tbsp. l. flour

20 g butter

80 g of horseradish

3 tbsp. l. 3% vinegar

Salt to taste


1. flour lightly fry.

button 2. Add the sour cream.

3 salt.

4. Bring to the boil.

5. to warm to Horseradish oil to remove sharp taste.

6. Pour vinegar.

7. Mix with sour cream sauce and let simmer. Serve with language.

Stew Starorusskaya

Lunch language: 4 prescription - video recipes at home

RECIPE Starorusskaya Chowder


4-5 potatoes

2 onions

4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil


Parsley, dill, salt - to taste


1 Broth, wherein boil language divide in half with water.

2 Bring to a boil.

3 Put the potatoes, cut into cubes

4 salt, 5 Cook until tender.

6 15 minutes before end of cooking add the finely chopped raw onions, oil.

7. In 5 minutes - Laurel.

Language, fried with onion

RECIPE FOR LANGUAGE, fried with onions

It is necessary: ​​

400 g of boiled beef tongue

4 tbsp. l. oils

2 tbsp. l. flour

Salt to taste

How to prepare:

1 Boiled tongue cut into pieces no thicker than 1 cm.

2 Salt.

3 Roll in flour.

4 Fry on both sides in a well-heated frying pan for 3-5 minutes.

By the way: to the language file fried onions (can also be boiled or fried potatoes).

For dessert

Of the remaining carrots squeeze the juice through the juicer, add sour cream.