Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

Vegetable salad is no longer considered as a popular salad, as in Soviet times. But, nevertheless, mistresses are not "shrug off" in the preparation of this dish is the home menu. Vinaigrette attracts and its cost-effectiveness, and ease of gastronomic cooking. Today, I propose to make an unusual salad with herring. In such an embodiment, cooking is changed classical composition products and vegetable salad ingredients supplemented slices salted herring. How to prepare a simple and original salad with herring (without cabbage, beans and cucumbers) demonstrates my step by step recipe decorated with photos.


  • beets - 1-2 pcs .;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • Potato - 2 pcs .;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • green onions - 4-5 pen;
  • salted herring (fillet) - 1 pc .;
  • salt and spices - to preference;
  • oil - for refueling.

How to prepare a salad with herring and vegetables

Preparation begins with the pre-treatment of all ingredients included in the salad. As expected for vegetable salad (beet, potatoes and carrots) pre-boil, then Let cool. It is better to boil the ingredients dishes from the night. The procedure for grinding ingredients is not particularly important. Well, let's start with the fish fillets. It we already cleared, so just cut into cubes herring.

Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

shred peeled potatoes into cubes, proportionate fish pieces.

Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

The same form and attach the carrot.

Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

beets in vinaigrette cut as carrots and potatoes, and onions just chop.

Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

was also added to the ingredients chopped green onions. Throw in a bowl on your taste preferences and the desired salt spices. Refill your favorite oil. Stir.

Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

We serve our delicious and tasty (albeit simple) vinaigrette with herring to the table, decorated with green sprigs.

Simple vegetable salad with herring - how to make a vinaigrette with herring, a step by step recipe photos

I hope you will like my unusual, but simple recipe salad. ???? Enjoy all the snacks!