Summer salad

This is not a classic recipe for vinaigrette in which the cucumbers must be present preserved. Vinaigrette - a popular salad and has deep roots, but it got very popular in post-Soviet times, when people were not spoiled by an abundance of products and modest in their desires ...

The main season begins in August beets, but this kind of vegetables are not fastidious and grows on any loose soil. That is why vitamin salad vinaigrette can be prepared throughout the year and if possible, canned foods to fresh change.

Summer salad

In our case, we will add to the salad and apple replace pickles on fresh. And vegetables that need to boil, we bake them in the oven. Otherwise, the salad will not be different from the classical one.

Vitamin salad vinaigrette recipe step by step

Thoroughly rinsing the vegetables cut off ends, put them in foil, one on top watered oil spoon tightly wrap and bake in an oven at a temperature of 180 degrees, while the roots do not become soft. Approximate time - half an hour.

Summer salad

When ready, vegetables shifted from the oven, are exempt from the foil and give cool.

Summer salad

After complete cooling, remove the peel with roasted vegetables, except beets and cut them into small cubes. Similarly, sliced ​​cucumber and apple separately. Sliced ​​fruit, so as not to turned yellow, sprinkled with lemon juice. All chopped ingredients collect in a deep bowl.

Summer salad

According to the list, put the vegetables green peas, and can be a little bit more and then mix everything thoroughly.

Next, prepare for severe vitamin salad dressing: In a small deep bowl pour 3-4 tablespoons vegetable oil, add chopped garlic clove, pepper, salt and mix.

Summer salad

It remains only to cut the beets that we have postponed the end. This is because, to beet has not had time to paint the rest of the products. Cut the beets into cubes, pour the remaining butter and mix separately.

Summer salad

Adding the main vegetable in a salad bowl, to the remaining ingredients. Refill cooked spicy oily sauce and mix thoroughly.

Summer salad

Vinaigrette - it's a great holiday appetizer that is served cold and the only freshly form.

Tips to prescription:

- Additional salad can beans and onions, as well as known embodiments vinaigrette with the addition of meat products and fungi.

- Filling in vinaigrette can be any. Traditionally made from vinegar, but as well, not bad combined with lettuce mustard dressing.

- When cooking beets peel do not clean, and when cooked to fully cooked must take into account the size and depending on that the beets cook 40 to 60 minutes over moderate heat.