Recipes from the smelt - video recipes at home

Fried Smelt

Recipes from the smelt - video recipes at home


It is believed that the most delicious - fried smelt.

How to prepare:

  1. The fish need to be cleaned, remove the entrails, roll in flour or breadcrumbs, salt, and then fry in a pan in vegetable oil.
  2. Crackers and flour may be pre-mixed with spices (such as curry, rosemary, thyme) and salt.
  3. The fry need very long, for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  4. Oil pre-burn, then the fish will turn out delicious crisp.

soup smelt

Dried smelt: recipes, cooking rules

Smelt - fat tasty fish, fresh has

pleasant scent of cucumbers. Zavyalit it can be fast, because it is small size, fast and dries prosalivaetsya literally for 3-4 days.

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It should be:

500g fresh smelt;

3-4 medium sized potatoes;

1 piece of onion or leeks conventional bulb;

greens - to taste;

cherry tomatoes.

How to prepare:

  1. From pre-prepared fish boil broth.
  2. Boil it should be short-lived, 3-4 minutes after boiling, then add the potatoes, cut into cubes and onions, cut into rings.
  3. Before the end of cooking in the broth is added herbs and cherry tomatoes, cut into two halves.
  4. It turns out tasty, nourishing and fragrant soup.

Omelette with smelt and tartar sauce

must (in 2 portions):

4 pieces of smelt of medium size;

4 pieces of chicken eggs;

1 cup of milk;

greens - to taste;

1 piece lime;

salt - to taste.

How to prepare:

  1. smelt need to clean, wash and fry until golden brown.
  2. Eggs are a good mix with milk, salt, add the greens, a little grated garlic and pour omletnoy weight of the fish.
  3. Serve this dish with tartar sauce, for its fast food taken mayonnaise, parsley, olives, karnishony, olives, all mixed.
  4. Garnish the dish with lime.

Smelt in the marinade

Recipes from the smelt - video recipes at home


it is necessary to prepare the marinade:

0, 5 liters of water;

1 piece of carrot;

1 piece of onion;

1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar;

1, 5, Art. of salt;

2 tbsp. vinegar;

spices, herbs.

How to prepare:

  1. Onions and carrots cut into rings.
  2. The water bring to a boil, put the onion and carrot, salt, sugar and spices.
  3. The pot cover, reduce heat to low and let the marinade then.
  4. Then remove from heat, cool and pour in the vinegar. Smelt fry and shift the greens and onions in high bowl.
  5. Then, pour the marinade and place in the cold for 12 hours.

Dried smelt

Very easy to cook dried smelt, it will be a great addition to the beer.

Recipes from the smelt - video recipes at home


It should be:

500 g of fish, better fine;

salt, approximately 50 g.

How to prepare:

  1. smelt clean, vypotoroshit, rinse and dry, then pour salt.
  2. The fish should be left for one day at room temperature for a few hours the salt is dissolved, and will smelt juice.
  3. Then, the fish need to be strung on a thread (preferably nylon) and hang it on the balcony, first heap.
  4. Under it is necessary to put the basin, as will drain the fluid.
  5. In a few hours the fish will dry up, it needs to be spread on a thread that fishes do not touch.
  6. smelt need to hang a few days in the shade so that it properly dried out and hardened.