Collection of original dishes: semolina chops - video recipes at home

Turkish halvah from semolina

Halva distributed concubines at the significant

events in the family of the Sultan - weddings, births Şehzade, victories on the battlefield ... And varieties of halva, Serve Sultan existed a myriad! But in Turkey, particularly popular this unusual recipe sweets from semolina. Dessert obtained original and often served ice cream or whipped cream.

Collection of original dishes: semolina chops - video recipes at home

Catherine Kapustina

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It can be long hours of studying a cookbook, follow the advice of a guru of cooking of television programs, but you can choose a classic, delicious dish from the arsenal of mothers and grandmothers. You should not rack their brains to prepare this very fast and tasty, when the world there semolina chops. Millions of housewives around the world believe that this is the best way to start the day. They will appeal to both adults and children. The more so because their method of preparation is very simple.


1, 5 liters of fresh milk

15 Art. spoons of semolina premium

2 raw eggs mean value

2, 5, Art. spoons of sugar (you can slide, if the dish is intended for lovers of sweet) 1 h. Teaspoon salt

4 tbsp. tablespoons of flavored oil

How to cook semolina chops:

  1. In the first stage of preparing the meatballs cooked very thick semolina. First the milk is brought to a boil is added sugar, salt, and then semolina.
  2. The mixture need to cook 6-7 minutes over very low heat, stirring to cereal does not stick, and it does not appear lumps.
  3. After the obtained semolina has cooled a bit, it is necessary to add two raw eggs and more thoroughly mix the fragrant blend.
  4. Semolina should definitely get a thick and viscous, otherwise the burgers will be blurred. The second step of preparation - to form a semolina chops, preferably moistened with water hands, so that the resulting mass is stuck to it.
  5. It should be several times roll meatballs in flour, bread crumbs or semolina and put on a preheated pan with vegetable oil.
  6. Next, you fry them first on one side until golden brown, then the other. The degree of roasting depends on the taste hostess and the amount of sugar has been added to the milk during the first stage of cooking.
  7. Once the meatballs came up to standard, they can be put on a dish or arrange on plates. To meatballs have turned the air - they should fry under the lid closed.

Those who strictly adhere to a healthy diet and give up fried foods, it can cook meatballs in the oven. For this, the formed semolina patties need to lay out on a baking sheet, the laid parchment paper and put it in the preheated oven. At a temperature of 150-200 ° C readiness occurs after 15 minutes.

Semolina meatballs can be served with sour cream or condensed milk, but many prefer the taste of the combination of tasteful jams, honey and crushed even forest nuts. It is also important the aesthetic pleasure of serving dishes. For example, droplets of condensed milk to make eyes and mouth. Your baby will eat with pleasure smiles at him from a plate semolina bitochek. Husband will be pleased to see bitochek with hearts of sour cream or raspberry jam. Morning, the whole family will begin with this here little positive.