Millet porridge with milk and a banana - how to cook millet porridge with milk properly, step by step recipe photos

Great idea - cook your favorite breakfast millet porridge with banana flavor. Millet porridge with milk and fresh banana - it's yummy, it is useful, but still tasty. The amount of sugar can be adjusted according to their taste sensations. The recipe step by step to make the photo of millet porridge with milk and offer to cook you.


  • 4 tbsp. spoons of wheat;
  • 800 ml of 4% - 6% of milk;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of fine salt.;
  • 1, 5, Art. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 ripe banana.

How to cook millet porridge with milk and fresh banana

Boil begin with, the pour into the pan with a thick bottom millet and salt. I always rump wash out before using it.

Then, pour the cold milk millet.

Millet porridge with milk and a banana - how to cook millet porridge with milk properly, step by step recipe photos

We cook millet porridge over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until the porridge starts to thicken.

Millet porridge with milk and a banana - how to cook millet porridge with milk properly, step by step recipe photos

The purified finely chopped banana and wipe with a fork to mush. Omit the banana is almost ready millet porridge for 5 minutes before turning off the fire. Mix to banana paste evenly dispersed. Next, add sugar, stir, cover with a lid and remove from heat.

Before serving, millet porridge with milk should stand under the lid closed about 7-10 minutes.

Millet porridge with milk and a banana - how to cook millet porridge with milk properly, step by step recipe photos

Now, the porridge is well worn out and it can be applied to a plate and serve.

Millet porridge with milk and a banana - how to cook millet porridge with milk properly, step by step recipe photos

Many people add a piece of butter into finished porridge. I do not do as well as how to use milk with a high fat content. But we remember from childhood that "porridge butter will not spoil" and millet porridge with milk is no exception. ????

Therefore, create, experiment and enjoy your meal!