Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

The beneficial properties of millet and how to choose the right cereal is written in the recipe how to cook millet on the water, and now offer to cook very delicious millet porridge with milk. The recipe, by tradition, I supplied the photo made in steps, which will serve as a good example for the hosts.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos


• polished millet - 200 g;

• Butter - 120 g;

• Milk - 1500 ml;

• Salt - 0, L .; 5 hours.

• sugar - 80 g (for a sweet tooth can be longer)

How to cook millet porridge with milk

Millet can be weedy, in the same way among the normal cereals caught badly shelled corn. Therefore, before preparing the porridge we need to be sure to carefully go through the rump.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

To milk porridge turned out tasty, it is very important that the millet not bitter. Bitterness millet provide excess fat contained in the rump. And remove the excess fat from the wheat, we can very simply.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

For this purpose, dry Krupets fill with boiling water (to completely covered with water), bring to the boil and then, at high heat boil millet in water for three to four minutes.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

Then, the water is drained, millet leans sieve and washed under cold tap water.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

Next, bring to a boil the milk, salt it and add sugar.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

Next, pour in the milk millet, bring to a boil again and diminish the fire to the minimum mark.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

Boil the milk millet porridge, we will in ten minutes (you can on the flame divider) stirring occasionally over low heat.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

In the finished porridge add oil according to the recipe. Cover with a lid and pan before feeding give brew porridge for fifteen minutes.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

During this time, grains of millet have time to fully "open".

As can be seen in the final image, millet porridge with milk at a cooking medium turned on density.

Millet porridge with milk - how to cook millet porridge with milk, a step by step recipe photos

For those who like a thick consistency meals should be further wrap the pot of porridge and let it brew for a little longer before serving. In this case, millet better absorb the milk and porridge is ready to be more dense.

Appetizing and richness millet milk can become a full breakfast or dinner for your household.