How to cook rice porridge on the water on a garnish - a recipe with a photo
Delicious rice porridge, cooked in water, has long been loved in Russia. It is good as a side dish and for the child and adult. In a step by step recipe for beginners housewives want to open a few intricacies that make water cooked rice porridge is delicious and palatable.
Ingredients into three portions:
• Figure Round (Round) polished - 350 g;
• Salt - 2/3 tsp .;.
• Butter - 70 g;
• Water - 700 ml.
How to cook rice porridge on the water
In contrast to the crisp rice, rice porridge to be more viscous consistency, therefore, for the preparation of this dish, I always use a round polished rice with a high starch content.
Since cook rice, we must first pour on a flat surface (chopping dostochku) and iterate. I found just one speck in the rump, but finding it would be unpleasant in the finished porridge.
Next, Fig pour into a sieve and washed first with water under warm (t of about 30 ° C). Then, rice should be washed under cold water as much as possible. Such a "douche" allows you to wash the excess starch from rice, porridge was cooked to desired consistency. Thereafter, pour into a pan (preferably bottomed), water (strictly following recipe) and to drive it to boil.
Before laying rice water should be salt.
Then, add to the pot 1/3 of the oil is laid on the recipe (the oil does not allow the rice to stick together in a lump).
In the boiling water pour the washed rice, again bring to a boil and reduce heat to a minimum level.
Pan camouflage cover (not tightly) and cook gruel twenty minutes. About once every five minutes, the contents should be mixed (with a spoon or ladle).
In the finished porridge add the remaining piece of butter and stir.
Tightly cover with a lid and pan before serving give porridge brew for another fifteen minutes.
Delicious boiled rice cooked in water can be fed as a side dish to meat or stewed vegetables. If we add to this porridge or fruit sugar, then porridge garnirnoy turns into a dessert.
In the final photo can be clearly seen that the rice porridge turned out at us on the average density, moderately tenderized and tasty.