How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Many housewives want to cook rice in the side dish so that it was crisp, tasty and appetizing, as is often said - 'from risinka risinki ", but, alas, do not always get the desired result. To boil the rice in water crumbly, without mucus and without unpleasant lumps stuck together, just need to know the right proportions and how to do it. You can safely use these simple proven formula, and step by step the captured photos will help to better understand what and how it should look. Will be ready in a normal pan.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos


• rice long grain (Long) - 300 g;

• Water - 450 g;

• Salt - 1 tsp .;.

• butter - 40 gr.

How to cook rice, so it was crumbly

For the preparation of crisp rice I normally use a long figure of any kind, but similar to garnish boiled and round. The main thing is try to choose high-quality barley without specks and impurities rice chaff.

The rice is cooked and faster to get a guaranteed crumbly, metered for cooking grits need to pour into a deep bowl, cover with cold water and thoroughly wash hands.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Next, the water is drained and pour a new one - wash rice again. Wash the rice, each time changing the water, you need to six to seven times - until the water will remain transparent.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

I deliberately made a few pictures of rice at various stages of washing.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

see that as the washing, it is noticeable that the water, which is filled with rice, it becomes more transparent with each time. In the last photo, the water remains completely transparent.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

So, well washed of impurities and excess starch, rice we shift into a pan made of stainless steel or cauldron for cooking pilaf and fill with cold water. Note the amount of water in my recipe is designed for cooking rice is crumbly, not porridge.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Put the pan on high heat, bring to a boil and add salt.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Then, we diminish the burner flames to its lowest level, pan camouflage cover and cook rice until the full boiling water. I have it usually takes about twenty minutes.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Note that the rice has turned out crumbly, when cooked it does not need to interfere in the right of the selected pot will burn the rice.

Cooked rice generously season with vegetable oil or butter.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Mix is ​​not necessary, just the oil is distributed evenly across the surface of the rice and allow 15-20 minutes for the impregnation with the lid closed. During this time risinki yourself absorb the oil and reach the desired condition.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan properly - how to brew rice on the water - a step by step recipe photos

Imposing appetizing and delicious crumbly rice garnish on plates, to shift it carefully so as not to damage the spoon cooked grains.

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