Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

This fragrant, bright and full-bodied in taste rice with sour cream and herbs surprising variety of flavors and unusual aromatic bouquet. The dish is ready in just 40 minutes, and the result exceeds all expectations! Be sure to try to cook this delicious, light and dietetic rice side dish for dinner or lunch and a recipe step by step decorated with photos will help you to create a quick and easy meal!


Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos
  • Figure Camolino - 250 g;
  • lemon peel - 1 tsp .;.
  • salt - to taste;
  • green onions - beam;
  • spices - to taste;
  • cream - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • mixture of peppers;
  • butter.

How to cook rice with sour cream for garnish

To prepare a tasty and fragrant garnish with greens, we need fresh greens. Select it according to your taste - onions, spinach, leeks, fennel, coriander - set can be any. I used a bunch of young onion - it has to be cut into small pieces.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

Most of the onions should fry in a skillet with butter.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

Pour the washed rice, pour two cups of chicken broth and simmer until soft, full grains, adding water or broth as needed.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

When the rice is almost ready, add the sour cream and spices to taste. Spoon sour cream spread over the entire surface, cover and hold on the fire for 2-3 minutes.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

Pour the green part of the onions and remove the pan from the heat.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

Add lemon zest and leave to infuse rice side dish.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

Ready fragrant and crisp garnish of rice bring to the table arrange on plates or on a platter.

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

This rice with sour cream and greens perfectly complement meat and fish snacks, the perfect complement to light vegetable salads. Bon Appetit!

Delicious crumbly rice garnish with sour cream and herbs - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

The proposed today delicious and aromatic side dish of rice and greens will chip of any feast. The dish is spicy, incredibly fragrant and tasty. Figure crumbly, has expressed a hint of lemon and a delicate aroma of fresh herbs. This dish can be served as a festive table and included in the daily menu.

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