How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Properly cooked, delicious crumbly rice can be added to the filling for pies, used as the main ingredient in salads, casseroles, and of course, rice - is a great garnish for many dishes. To learn how to cook long grain rice garnish, describe in detail the present recipe with photos. Steps taken photos will complement it.

How to cook crisp rice garnish in a pan

For side dishes use rice long grain, it holds its shape well. Measure out 1 cup of rice. Capacity at me of 200 grams. I cereal before cooking never mine, but just look around for debris.

How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

In a pan warm up 4 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The hot oil adding grain and continuously stirring warms Fig for 1-2 minutes.

How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Figure should become or translucent, or bleach. It is not necessary to achieve browning grains, the taste of this change for the worse.

How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Adding the pan 3 cups of hot water. It is very important to observe the ratio of 1: 3. In order not to disturb the temperature conditions, the water should always be hot.

How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Add salt to taste, and wait until the boiling liquid. Close the pan with a lid and diminish the fire. The heat must be the smallest, but less than the average. Barley stew is about 20 minutes Stir the contents of the pan do not need!

Near the end of cooking, start to control the process, the rice is not burnt.

Another important remark: should be pan with non-stick coating. This ensures you that at the end of cooking, do not have to scrub away a sticky rice from the bottom.

How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

After all the water boil, stir rice and let it brew under the lid for 10-15 minutes.

Properly boiled rice garnish, always turns out beautiful, delicious and crumbly. Just lay it on a plate and serve.

How to cook rice for garnish crumbly - how to cook crisp rice in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

By adding vegetable oil, long-grain rice turns out crumbly and delicious. Strict adherence to the recipe instructions with photos and compliance with proportions, ensures you excellent results.