Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

I want something interesting to garnish? I offer to cook a beautiful and healthy porridge, where pan cooked buckwheat and rice with vegetables. The dish turns out very interesting and delicious and colorful ingredients give the finished dish of bright colors. How to cook rice with buckwheat on the frying pan, describe in detail my simple recipe with step by step to make a photo.

How to cook buckwheat with rice instead of

One middle onion and carrot shred and fried in vegetable oil. Carrots can scuff on a coarse grater or cut into strips by hand. Also, nice side dish will look with wheels carrots. I am today, as seen in the photo, rub on a grater.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

To add pepper fried vegetables. Half a green bell pepper cleaned from seeds and cut into strips. You can use the pods, and other colors, but green in this dish would be better blend in with the color scheme of other vegetables. I used the frozen product.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

One average tomatoes cut into pieces, stalk precut.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

Fry tomatoes with vegetables for 1 minute.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

It's time to add the grits. The ratio of rice and buckwheat take 1: 1, 100 grams. If you count the cups of 200 grams, then each type of cereal will need to be at half.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

Immediately add 2 cups (400 ml) of water and salt to taste.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

After the liquid boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan lid and tomim garnish 25 minutes.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

The finished dish spread on a plate and serve with any kind of meat or fish.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

For example, buckwheat, rice and vegetables is good, if the file side dish with pork stew with mushrooms.

Kasha: Buckwheat with rice and vegetables in a frying pan - how to cook buckwheat with rice garnish together, step by step recipe photos

Figure with buckwheat cooked together - is a versatile side dish, as if to add to the rump vegetables, then this mess can be served as a separate dish. I'm trying to prepare a porridge once a frequent companion will garnish your dishes.

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