Delicious side dish of rice with carrots, onion and garlic - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

Simple and tasty side dish of rice with vegetables and garlic turns crumbly and well suited for delivery to the meat and fish dishes. Whole cloves of garlic perfectly set off the taste of rice and side dishes complement. If instead of broth to use water, rice with carrots, onions and garlic will be suitable for use during Lent. Their experiences on how to make a side dish of rice with a delicious, I share in the recipe step by step decorated with photos.


  • 450 grams long-grain white rice;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 3 pieces of onion;
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 1/2 tsp cumin (cumin).;
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground chili peppers.;
  • 1/3 tsp turmeric.;
  • 1, 5 teaspoons coarse sea salt.;
  • 500 mL chicken broth;
  • 1/2 fennel beam.

How to cook a side dish of rice with carrots, onions and garlic

Cooking start with the fact that rice is soaked in cold drinking water. Carrots purify and cut into strips. Fried in vegetable oil and adding thereto chopped onions and plumes passiruem.

Delicious side dish of rice with carrots, onion and garlic - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

the water is drained from the rice and add it to the carrots and onion. Fire set on medium mode. We give the rice and stir well to warm the entire contents.

Delicious side dish of rice with carrots, onion and garlic - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

We add all the dry spices, stir again and pour the hot chicken broth. By the way, it can easily be replaced by drinking water. We look forward to the broth boil.

Delicious side dish of rice with carrots, onion and garlic - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

All the garlic cloves purify, omit them in rice and is recessed with a wooden spoon.

Delicious side dish of rice with carrots, onion and garlic - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

diminish the fire, cover with a lid and give the rice a good steamed until cooked.

Cooked rice with carrots, onions and garlic impose in a martini glass and turn it upside down on a serving dish, sprinkle with dill and serve.

Delicious side dish of rice with carrots, onion and garlic - how to cook a delicious side dish of rice, a step by step recipe photos

This simple to prepare, but it is very useful and tasty side dish of rice is very good on its own or in the company with fresh vegetables or salad.

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