February 23 - Day of the men - video recipes at home

Did you know that February 23 and March 8 are interconnected? February 23 old style just falls on March 8! In the Russian Empire Women's Day first celebrated, too, on February 23 - the truth, an amazing coincidence? Maybe that's why February 23 More like a woman than a man, because this festival gives an opportunity to congratulate these men on the occasion of Courage, honor and dignity.

Many Soviet-era accustomed to the celebration of February 23: a noisy feast, congratulations colleagues, gifts, and now - with another output. Today, few people remember why generally originated this holiday. How it all began? The historical background of this day is the story of "a Russian victory in 1918". It February 23 Red Guard detachments gained the first victory at Pskov and Narva on the regular troops of the Kaiser's Germany. These first victories and became the "day of the birth of the Red Army."

In 1922, this date has been officially declared the Day of the Red Army, and to this day the holiday is "red-letter day in the calendar."

Once a year, "the strong half of humanity," receives from women congratulations, attention, and, of course, gifts.

So what's a man to please, and most importantly, how to feed, because the food for a real man should be ... this!

The best delicacy - meat! Why would a man meat? The answer for many women is not obvious, because not all the ladies - "meat eaters". Proteins and meat proteins male animals needed firstly - for strength, and high energy efficiency, and the second - the synthesis of male hormones. Proteins from dairy products, fish and plants ever give this man the necessary energy. The man is 20% more muscle mass than women; which is why they spend more energy and they need to constantly replenish it, and it is desirable - meat products!

Just remember that the sausage, sausages and semi-finished products - "not like" natural steak or roast pork.

Men are very fond of meat - a delicious, juicy, roasted, some prefer the blood. And what man can resist a real steak? Cook the steak on February 23 - and you will see in the eyes of his men - thanks!

Many believe that to cook a steak correctly - is an art. And it is true!

The process of preparing this dish consists of two main stages. First, a piece of beef is cooked at a maximum temperature (approximately 200 ° C) in a frying pan for about one minute on each side piece. This is necessary in order to "close" the pores of the meat and keep all the meat juice. It is this method makes the meat really juicy! Then brought to the lowest temperature that the meat gets warm and not burned.

The main rule in the preparation of steaks: never use a fork to test the readiness of dishes - or vytechek juice!

RECIPE Festive beef steak with wine sauce

Homeland steak - England. In translation from English "beef steak" means "a piece of beef." The recipe of this steak is not complicated, but requires adherence to some very important rules, without which it will not turn out juicy and flavorful dishes. It is necessary: ​​

2 pieces of beef tenderloin po180-200 g

2Ct. l. olive oil

80 g butter

0, 5 cups dry red wine

Ground black pepper

4-6 cloves of garlic (to clean them is not necessary)

Rosemary and salt to taste

How to prepare:

  1. Batch pieces of meat with cold water wash and dry. Grate meat pepper, herbs and salt.
  2. In a frying pan (the best - in a cast-iron), heat the olive oil or butter and fry over high heat on both sides of the meat with 1 minute.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and cook on each side 7-8 minutes.
  4. The finished meat is put on the hot plate.
  5. Pour into the pan in which the meat was roasting, wine, and put unpeeled cloves of garlic over high heat bring to a boil.
  6. Good move this sauce and pour over the meat.