Easter recipe cheese in the oven or preparing Easter curd baked

Baked Easter is a kind of casserole of cheese, which is prepared for Easter. Pardon the pun. ???? Since at this bright and joyful celebration decided to cook nutritious and the most "rich" dishes, the casserole is not that common, and festive. It is also called "rich" or "red." Baked in the oven curd Easter really becomes a beautiful, reddish hue. Try to bake a yummy on the time-tested recipe.

Easter recipe cheese in the oven or preparing Easter curd baked

How to cook Easter cottage cheese in the oven

1 kilogram and 200 grams of acid curd not grind through a metal sieve previously under pressure, removing excess moisture therefrom.

Separately, rub with 1, 5-2 cups of sugar and vanilla 200 grams of softened butter. The amount of sugar and vanilla depends on your taste.

The prepared oil mixture to enter the curd, add a hundred grams of thick cream and six raw egg yolks. The mass of kneaded until uniform. At the end put candied fruit (100 grams), raisins (100 grams) and chopped almonds (100 grams).

Shape for Easter Cover the cheesecloth and place in her cottage cheese. Just fill out the form on 2/3 of its height to Easter could rise.

Send the form in the warm oven and keep it up until the curd mixture becomes thick and will not get a nice rosy color. From the shape of Easter, remove only after complete cooling.

Easter recipe cheese in the oven or preparing Easter curd baked

Decorate baked cottage cheese Easter can be to your liking.

Easter recipe cheese in the oven or preparing Easter curd baked

It is possible as in the photo - pour the glaze and put almonds or candied fruit, but you can just sprinkle with powdered sugar ... in short, everything depends on your imagination.

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