Custard curd Easter - Easter cooking custard at home, a simple recipe

If the traditional Easter recipes you are bored and want to try something new and unusual, but at the same time, simple in execution, then pay attention to the brew curd Easter with cream and sour cream. Preparing this Easter dish is quite simple. One of the main conditions of success in its preparation is the quality of the products included in the recipe. Therefore, to their choice responsibly Treat.

Custard curd Easter - Easter cooking custard at home, a simple recipe

For the preparation of need: 800 grams of cheese, 300 grams of cream, egg yolks five, five spoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and softened butter, a little vanilla and salt.

How to make a brew Easter curd

If you bought a damp cottage cheese, then put it under a press for 10-12 hours.

Then you need to grind the pressed cottage cheese to the dough turned out more tender. Together with the curd through a sieve or strainer miss the sour cream and butter. Add a lot of salt. In the next stage of the preparation of the yolks, sugar, cream and vanilla to mix until uniform and put on a small fire. Take care that the mass does not boil. Gradually, it becomes more dense. Pour it into cottage cheese, stir gently, and hold a few more minutes on the fire. Dough for Easter custard, practically ready. It remains only to put the weight in gauze or a clean cotton cloth and hang to the excess liquid glass.

Custard curd Easter - Easter cooking custard at home, a simple recipe

Decorate Easter can be nuts, candied fruits, chocolate, raisins or pastry beads as the photo.

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