Delicious Easter curd with nuts without baking - a traditional recipe of how to make cottage cheese passover home

On the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection traditional, tasty and appetizing Easter curd can be prepared, even without baking and other heat treatment. This classic recipe for Passover food is so simple that with its implementation to handle even a novice in the culinary arts.

Delicious Easter curd with nuts without baking - a traditional recipe of how to make cottage cheese passover home

For the preparation of need: a kilo of cheese, preferably a home; four or five eggs; 200 grams of sugar; 400 grams of cream; 100 g butter; 100 grams of milled nuts; vanilla sugar or vanilla.

How to make cottage cheese passover with nuts

To curd turned out air and gentle, you must first grind curd through a sieve. Next, add to it the sugar, eggs, butter, lightly roasted ground nuts, whipped cream. Stir the mass must be carefully, but at the same time as carefully as possible. It is better to do it by hand rather than using a blender. The dish is practically ready. It remains just put in a lot of form and put it in a cool place for a day. Pulling delicious cottage cheese passover from the mold, it can be decorated to your liking. It remains just wait until you can taste the traditional Easter dishes. As you can see, Easter recipe with nuts is just basic, but the results are sure to please.

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