Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

Delicious egg dishes like both adults and children. Lush scrambled eggs with sour cream, of course, is one of the first places among the most simple but very tasty dishes. How to cook an omelet with sausage steam in multivarka, you know, looking at this recipe with photos. This way of cooking eggs will not leave you indifferent and sure to become one of the original recipes in your cookbook. Preparation, steps captured in the photo, will help you.

How to make scrambled eggs for a couple in multivarka

To do this we need dietary food boiled sausage - 2 wheels with a thickness of about 1 centimeter.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

Do not forget that the quality of the meat product depends on the taste of the finished dish. So, choose for you tasty sausage. We cut our wheels into strips and from the strips, in turn, make the cubes.

Take the silicone molds. I took four of them.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

You can take more, but most importantly, that they are free to fit in the container for steaming. Qualitative (very smooth on the inside), silicone oil to lubricate the addition is not necessary. But if you are in doubt, or molds you are not made of silicone, it is better to grease with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Now, cutting of sausage spread evenly in every shape.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

It's time to do the egg mass. Take 2 chicken egg 1 tablespoon of sour cream and salt.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

All mix whisk. Filling is ready.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

The capacity for steaming immediately set the bowl Multivarki, which has already poured 500 milliliters of water. Now, pour the sausage in tins of egg mass.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

to the top shape, try not to pour.

It remains to establish multivarku in the cooking mode for a couple of 10 minutes.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

And with that, our steam omelet with sausage ready!

And now, I will share some of his secrets.

This omelette steamed can be cooked and if multivarka busy. In this case, the capacity for steaming with the molds can be installed in Multivarki bowl during cooking other dishes. Out - the duo.

Conveniently the workpiece for this omelet in silicone forms to cook in the evening and on multivarka install delayed start. Then, in the morning you can wake up the smell of a freshly prepared breakfast.

Lush omelette steamed in multivarka in silicone forms - how to cook scrambled eggs in the steam multivarka in forms step by step recipe photos

This is so easy and simple, you can make a lush and diet for a couple of scrambled eggs. I'm sure your household will appreciate the creative approach to this uncomplicated business as usual cooking omelet.