Knysh cakes with potatoes

Introducing yet another version of cooking all your favorite baking. Belarusian Knyshov - pies with various fillings, in our case with potatoes, the recipe is interesting because they are first wrapped in a roll and then cut into small pieces which form the patties.

Classic Knyshov cooked with curd, but as we are today with you will cook patties with potatoes in the oven the most common way, just in a slightly different interpretation.

How to cook cakes with potatoes recipe

The deep dish pour warm water, oil and vinegar, add one egg, salt and stir. Sifting the flour over the bowl, mix dry yeast and knead the dough soft Pirozhkov. Cover with towel and let stand for 1 hour.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

Peel potatoes, divided into large slices and opened in salted water with bay leaf - 20 minutes. Onion cut into small cubes and lightly fry in a pan with butter. In a separate bowl to collect the boiled potatoes, fried onion, add the butter, salt and pepper to taste. All knead until homogeneous.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

Pyrozhkov roll the dough into a thin layer is not strong, and from one end to put all cooked potato stuffing.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

Beginning with stuffed edge, not pressing down and strongly loosely, wrap the dough into a long roll.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

roulade stuffed with potatoes, neatly divided into equal pieces, the size of 6-7 cm.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

A little pressing down to seal one end tightly to the stuffing does not fall, but on the other hand simply tighten the center, loose bond so as to leave a small opening.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

Exactly in the middle, where they left a hole, slightly flatten the cakes to cakes took a beautiful appearance and stability.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

Spoon Knyshov potatoes on baking, the pre-bed parchment paper and grease the baking surface egg yolk. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C - 40 minutes.

Knysh cakes with potatoes

Once browned pies and toppings will come with a light steam - it means that the cake is baked.