Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

Fragrant smell of homemade cakes, exudes out of the oven, excites the appetite, and beckons to the table as soon as possible to try this delicious pudding. Once again, in our kitchen preparing all your favorite curvy pies in the oven of butter yeast dough stuffed with eggs and greens, cooked homemade recipe.

Dwell on the process of preparation we will not yeast dough. Recipe butter yeast dough on yogurt pie read here where detailed illustrations describe each step. In this case, we consider the filling for pies, which will prepare the eggs and greens.

recipe pies in the oven leavened

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

And so, we must first prepare the yeast pastry and infuse it properly. Boil the eggs in cool and wash all greens.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

To prepare the filling for pies, boiled eggs need to share not too finely chop the dill and parsley. Salt to taste and add black pepper and stir.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

Yeast dough with sour cream after configure themselves will need to obmyat, then roll it out too thinly and divide into portions.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

pieces of dough to roll out not too thin cakes, center put about 1-2 tbsp. spoon cooked stuffing.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

Many people know how to sculpt cakes. Most importantly, the formation of baking, stuffing must always remain inside the dough and does not fall out during cooking. In form they can be round or slightly oblong, but flat.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

Prepared pies with egg and greens lay in a row on a baking sheet with parchment paper and lubricate the surface and sides of the baking egg yolk.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

Put the baking tray in a preheated 180-200 degree oven for 20-30 minutes. Bake yeast cakes in the oven to bright rosy color.

Cakes in the oven with eggs and herbs

After a while, when the house starts to spread the fragrant smell of yeast dough, remove the cakes from the oven and call everyone at the table for a family dinner.