Beef in a frying pan

How to fry the beef, the meat to get soft and juicy? You, of course, be surprised, but it is quite simple. Here the important types of meat, which can be easily and quickly fried in a pan, while maintaining the internal juice or undercooked outside. For such a case, not every meat suit, because for quick cooking needs is part of the marble, but can be used to extinguish any beef in a frying pan.

Consider two recipes cooking beef in a frying pan, in each of which is the right approach to the selection of meat. In both cases the cooking meat must be fresh and young animal, preferably not frozen. A sure way to determine the freshness of meat is its appearance, more vibrant color and the absence of foreign smell.

Braised beef with onions - step by step recipe

In this case it will be enough to buy fresh meat cows for extinguishing best neck and sidewall.

Beef in a frying pan

Wash meat and cut into small pieces, approximately 1, 5.2 cm. In width and thickness of not more than 1 cm.

Beef in a frying pan

The small head of onion peel and chop finely moderate first half rings, and then divided into 3-4 parts.

Beef in a frying pan

In a cast-iron frying pan heat the oil and fry it first onions - 2-3 minutes. Cook over low heat until the vegetables and let the juice begins to change color.

Beef in a frying pan

Put sliced ​​meat pieces, set fire above average and intensively stir fry the beef for 3-4 minutes, until the surface of the meat lightly browned and covered with a light crust.

Beef in a frying pan

Add tomato paste and stir thoroughly. Then reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook in the slow extinguishing mode for another 5-10 minutes, until cooked until the meat is tender.

Meat and vegetables are ideally combined with each other and therefore, as a garnish offer potatoes cook follows: first boil the potatoes in salted water, then lightly fried in oil until crisp. Serve beef stew with onions sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Next, consider the second case, a favorite way to lovers of grilled meat and eat. Alternatively prepare a popular steak in a frying pan.

Roasted beef steak with lemon

In this case, for grilling or frying pan is recommended to use fillets - marble piece that before frying is better to marinate. The fastest and easiest way to marinating meat - to rub minced garlic, sprinkle with a mixture of dried herbs and pour the pieces of vegetable oil.

Beef in a frying pan

In a frying pan melt the butter, place the prepared steak, sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs. Salt promotes the release of internal juice, so it is recommended to add it at the end.

Beef in a frying pan

As soon as the lower part of the steak browned and almost is ready, you need to turn to the other side, on the surface of the deep fried to squeeze the lemon juice and continue the process. Cooking on an intense heat for 3-5 minutes on each side.

When cooking a steak, try to turn the pieces of meat as little as possible, and readiness is best determined by eye. Also, keep in mind that the perfect taste roast beef in a frying pan does not depend only on the professionalism of the cook, and more from the freshness of the meat and the animal's age.