Recipes home condensed milk - video recipes at home
Cook the condensed milk is not as hard at home as it seems. In this case, you'll know for sure in the quality of products that are used in the preparation. In addition, you will be well aware that production technology of this type of milk is not compromised at any stage.
It should be borne in mind that the independent preparation of condensed milk at home takes you a long time. However, the result will please you nice and will pay for all labor costs.
For the preparation of the standard version, condensed milk, you will need:
- whole cow's milk - 2 tablespoons;
- sugar - 1, 5, Art.
Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat it and add sugar. Remember that the fire should be moderate, ie. E. The product should not boil. Boil the mixture for at least an hour, stirring continuously. Cook you need to until you get the desired consistency of the product.
Another recipe condensed milk home looks like. Take:
- milk 3% fat 2 - 1 L;
- 0, 5 kg of sugar;
- water - 1/2 cup.
In a pan with a thick bottom pour sugar and add the water. Put on fire and boil the syrup. You can even give simmer for a few minutes. Pour the resulting mixture into the milk and the whole mixture was brought to a boil. Set the fire to the "minimum" and cook the mixture for 2 hours, stirring occasionally. The result will be a mixture ready for you its cream color. Another embodiment of the preparation of condensed milk in the home involves adding it in butter. For its preparation you will need:
- powdered sugar - 500 g;
- fresh milk - 375 ml;
- butter - 40 g
Pour the milk into the pan with high walls. Add the butter and powder. Place the mixture on the heat and bring it to the boil. Do not forget to stir to dissolve the sugar evenly. At moderate heat boil the mixture for another 10 minutes and then pour it into the can and leave to thicken in the refrigerator.
You can cook the chocolate and condensed milk, which will differ gentle and delicate taste. For its preparation you will need:
- milk 3% fat 2 - 1 L;
- sugar - 0, 5 kg;
- Water - 1/4 Art;
- 1 tablespoon cocoa. l.
Despite the fact that the condensed milk chocolate recipe is simple enough, it will have to spend some time and effort to its preparation. For her, you need the fresh and rich milk to give the product a creamy taste. In a pan with a thick bottom pour sugar and add water. Place a container on fire and make a syrup. Trickle pour milk mass and bring to the boil. Next, cook it over low heat until thickened. Do not forget to stir to boil weight evenly. Through a backfill cocoa and stir it thoroughly. Let cool, and you can have. There are a few secrets that make the home more delicious condensed milk. So, for example, enough to add a little powdered milk - about 0, 5 cups. According to those who tried to practice this method, it becomes at times tastier.
To thicken better to choose milk fatter - not less than 3%, and more preferably 5%. In order to condensed milk was more dense, it is necessary to use cane sugar, which is characterized by a greater crystallization and a more pronounced taste.