Injera bread instead of a kitchen Ethiopia - video recipes at home

Injera bread instead of a kitchen Ethiopia - video recipes at home

The peoples of Ethiopia feed mainly on plant and dairy food; it cakes and other bakery products, gravy and thick sauces from legumes, oilseeds, vegetables and spices, cereals and other foods from cereals and vegetables, as well as vegetable oil and butter, milk, mostly sour curd, finally, drinks such as coffee, Talley beer, wine, honey (Taj), honey water (byrz) et al. Meat-off farmers even eat rare, mainly for special holidays.

Injera bread instead of a kitchen Ethiopia - video recipes at home

Food for stayers

injera - the basis of many dishes in Ethiopia. As chefs say it is injera, rich in many valuable substances, is credited with the phenomenal success of the Ethiopian long distance runners! In fact, the name "inzhera" has now become obscheefiopskim. The term is sometimes used in a broader sense: they are sometimes called not only the blinopodobnye cakes, but also cakes, along with some thick meat or vegetable with spicy sauce. Sometimes the owners, offering injera, is meant by this word a special dish: spicy sauce - FEP and pancakes.

For the preparation of injera mixed up in the water and leave the batter in a pot for a day, and sometimes even three or four days. Bake injera on a large clay or iron pans (about half a meter in diameter), pre-lubricated by any fat. Pan put on the open fire and covered with clay or iron lid. Baking continues for several minutes. Since inzhera occupies a very important place in the food ration of the Ethiopians, the mistress two or three times a week to bake a large number of injera to be enough for a few days.

Injera bread instead of a kitchen Ethiopia - video recipes at home

Pancakes from millet

Also all kinds of pancakes and cakes from the liquid, preferably unleavened dough Ethiopian baked even different types of bread, which is usually the dough is placed on the yeast Dubbo, mul-mul, shyllito, dyfo-Dabo et al. have a preference for wheat flour for cooking dough. As a substitute for yeast housewives sometimes used with beer foam. Risen dough mixed with various spices, seasonings, and baked: a clay or iron pan, cover with a lid. Baking yeast dough takes a couple of hours. Gurage, Omet, darassa and other tribes who grow bananas, sometimes wrapped in banana leaves the dough and bake bread in this form. Leavened bread baked especially for the holidays, as well as in the event that will have a long road.

Injera bread instead of a kitchen Ethiopia - video recipes at home

Bread banana

In a special pit placed bananas, cover the same banana leaves. The fleshy part of the banana well fermented for a long time. As required housewives open hole and take out the desired amount of banana mass. Then this mass of fibers tightly pull together, to squeeze out residual water droplets. The resulting thick compacted mass is cut into pieces, added water and from the resulting dough to bake bread Koço the open hearth. Hostess carefully watch the bread, turning it frequently. This is the easiest and most common way of baking bread Kocho. But be aware of other ways. For example, a dough made from the fermented mass is deposited into the pan, covered with banana leaves, and the top cover with the same leaves. Guragskie hostess say that the bread keeps its flavor for a month; it is usually eaten on special occasions.