Recipes of tilapia fish - video recipes at home

Typically, tilapia is sold in the form of wet-ice cream obesshkurennogo fillets that at times it simplifies the pre-treatment. Cooking can only unfreeze the product and begin processing.

The recipe of fried marinated tilapia

Recipes of tilapia fish - video recipes at home


It should be:

1 kg of fish fillets, low-fat sour cream 1 cup (you can replace yogurt) 3-4 garlic cloves, Salt - to taste.

R ak prepare the marinade:


  1. thawed tilapia fillets marinate. Fillet cut into large pieces, you can simply cut each piece into four parts.
  2. Put sliced ​​in an enameled container, add salt, pour sour cream.
  3. garlic cloves crushed in the frog or crumble as finely as possible and add to the fish.
  4. All the mix, put under the press and put into the cold for a few hours - the longer the marinade fillet, more fragrant get the finished product.

Next, you will need:

1-2 pieces. eggs, bread crumbs, flour or semolina for obvalivaniya, any refined vegetable oil.

R ak prepare:

  1. Preheat a frying pan vegetable oil.
  2. Marinate fillets removed from the marinade.
  3. Eggs to knock.
  4. Each piece dipped in batter and place in the pan.
  5. fry each piece on both sides for 10 minutes.
  6. In the process of roasting time to time to lift each piece of fillet, to monitor the process.
  7. While fried fillet can be to prepare a fill: the remnants of the marinade mix with remaining ingredients breading. You can add sour cream and beat another egg. All carefully straying to the disappearance of lumps of breaded, salted tilapia and translates to if necessary.
  8. Everything is covered with a lid and languished until filling has set.
  9. To use possible as a separate dish.
  10. Ideal with crisp rice or mashed potatoes.

The recipe tilapia breaded

Recipes of tilapia fish - video recipes at home


How to prepare:

  1. fillet marinated as well as in the previous recipe, but it is better to cut smaller and vegetable oil will take longer.
  2. batter prepared from marinade residues. Adding the egg, cream or yogurt and flour - should give a mixture consistency of thick cream.
  3. In a frying pan heat the butter and pour it.
  4. Each piece of marinated tilapia fillets dipped in batter and place in hot oil.
  5. Fry until golden brown.
  6. The fried fillets put on a cloth to get rid of excess fat.
  7. Serve as a separate dish.

The recipe of baked tilapia

Recipes of tilapia fish - video recipes at home


How to prepare:

  1. fillet cut by half lengthwise, season with salt and let soak.
  2. 2-3 cloves of garlic, crushed in the frog or Chop knife.
  3. To prepare the foil, in such a way that each sheet is superior to a piece of fish in half.
  4. On a piece of foil, put fillets, sprinkle with garlic, spread with sour cream.
  5. Wrap the foil tightly fastened edge.
  6. Put each packet on a baking tray, place in oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  7. Bake for half an hour, forty minutes.
  8. Remove the baking sheet, expand the foil.
  9. Warning: hot foil.
  10. fillet on a plate, garnish with greens.