Delicious barley porridge on the water - a step by step recipe with photos - how to cook barley porridge
Many contemptuous of Perlovka, calling it "shrapnel" or "kirzuha". But in fact, the name of pearl barley comes from the word "pearl" - that is the pearl. Take a closer look closely, pearl barley in appearance resembles a small pearl. But properly cooked barley porridge is not ashamed to submit offers on the table. This recipe barley porridge teach housewives how to cook a delicious crumbly (with a minimum of mucus) barley porridge on the water, which is good as a garnish with meat, mushrooms, fish and even just with vegetables.
• Pearl barley -350 grams;
• Salt - 1 tsp .;.
• butter (I have a pet) - 80 gr.
How to cook barley porridge with water,
To prepare a delicious barley porridge, usually, I'm in the shop trying to choose the most beautiful rump, where less spoiled grains and litter. Even if you have selected barley, seemingly clean and beautiful, still pour it on the cutting board or table, and iterate.
Next, after moving barley grain interspersed into the pot, fill with cold water and let grits swell for two hours.
On the expiration of the desired time barley grows in size, it is even seen in the photo below.
Merge Barley water and wash it under running water several times. Then, pour cereal with water again so that the barley was covered by her two fingers and put it on the fire to boil.
As soon as the water starts to boil - to slow fire and boiled rump over medium heat for five minutes. Thereafter, the barley is thrown back in a colander and drain the water. Croup again need a good rinse under the tap, and the pan - pearl of mucus.
Next, washed again send grits into the pot, pour new water, and bring to a boil again, boiled five minutes.
After that, our barley sending repeated "water treatment". All repeat as described above.
In the next step - we finally barley cook a little longer. To fill this rump 0 7 l. water, salt, and bring to a boil.
Do, low heat, cover pan with a lid and cook the barley until tender 30-40 minutes.
If you are going to cook barley porridge on the water, clearly following my recipe, look how beautiful and tasty porridge you get - real pearls.
The barley porridge ready add the butter, stir and serve with meat or with what you love.
In my family, in addition to I Perlovka sometimes serves fresh pork cracklings.