Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

Soft, lush and fragrant Vergunov, firewood, Hrustik or ears. Different people call it differently, but they taste one. Probably, many remember how often their child in preparing their grandmother and want to bake today kiddies or their grandchildren. If your family recipe has not been preserved, you can use set out below recipe of this tasty treat. Steps taken photo to help bake firewood at home quickly and easily.


yogurt - 1 cup;

Eggs - 2 pcs;

sugar - 1/2 cup;

yeast - 11 grams;



vegetable oil.

How to make firewood on yogurt and yeast

Cooking Vergunov start with the fact that kefir slightly warmed, add the yeast, sugar, flour.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

Usually, such Hrustik made a quick hand and do not take time out to put the brew.

Immediately all the ingredients listed above pierce the egg.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

It is desirable that they are not cold, so take care, not less than one hour before cooking from the refrigerator. Add the flour, mix everything, knead the dough and leave to rise slightly.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

Good to know: Yeast dough rises well if it is put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes and then return to the heat. Remains of any yeast dough can be frozen and used later or leave in the fridge and use the next day. Baking of this test will be very tasty and fluffy. Now, you need to roll out the dough, cut diamonds, the center of which make longitudinal incisions. Take one corner and scrolls through the hole, giving the twisted shape Vergun.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

Fry so soft firewood needed in copious amounts of hot oil.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

On the two sides.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

The plate is better to not to put to drain the remaining oil in a paper towel or specially reserved for this procedure utensils.

Slightly cooled ears should be laid on a dish, sprinkled with powdered sugar. Delicious a magnificent firewood with jam or honey.

Vergunov or the lush firewood on yogurt, soda or yeast - how to prepare firewood soft and delicious - a step by step recipe photos

In the recipe, kneading dough, yeast may be used instead of soda. Due to the presence of yogurt it is not necessary to extinguish. In the recipe given number of products sufficiently 1/2 tsp. This pastry is obtained is not worse than in leaps and bounds, and many housewives only firewood and a call right or classic.

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