Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

In the fourth, cereal day diet 6 petals allows us to eat cereals, ie porridges. Cereals can take very different, but not more than 200 grams. Cook them only on the water with a little salt and seasoning. No milk and butter! Acceptable have cereal bread, sunflower seeds, bran and sprouts. Drink unsweetened tea and allowed to brew.

Well, cooking porridge on the water no special tricks, but seedlings deserve separate serious conversation! That's what is written on this subject nutritionally directory:

"How useful sprouts? When the seeds germinate, they occur beneficial conversion synthesized vitamins, antioxidants and other biologically active substances. Proteins and carbohydrates are transformed into easily digestible form. The number and activity of enzymes increased many times ... "

In simple terms, the germinating seeds come to life, and we can take this life-giving force and to use for the benefit of themselves.

In department stores and health food presents a wide range of seeds, especially designed for germination. They are grown on organic technologies, sent to storage without chemical etching and carefully, so as not to damage the embryo, are exempt from the hard shell.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

Sprouted seeds are usually eaten raw. Exception - peas, which is recommended to blanch. Although the packages required to have a guide, how to germinate the seeds, and in some cases even nested trays, napkins, etc., Use these methods, as experience shows, it is not very convenient.

Trays with seeds are very fond of roll over and sleep, dry wipes, and with them - and barely emerging shoots. But if you pour a lot of water, seeds or suffocate zaplesneveyut. But we need to somehow dodge, to provide the desired constant level of humidity with simultaneous protection from rashes, drying and dust. Therefore, I will tell you how to germinate seedlings in a manner that repeatedly tested on their own experience. And so, to provide themselves with sprouts in cereal day diet 6 petals, we need: a small glass jars, plastic lid with holes (such use in canning fruits and vegetables) and a small Patchwerk some melkodyrchatoy Fabric: tulle, gauze. Personally, I prefer tulle.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

Since different plants grow at different speeds (faster than all wheat and lentils, very slowly - oats and winter rye), jars and caps to stock multiple kits. For maximum benefit recommend eating sprouts every day, and since the composition of vitamins and minerals in different plants is somewhat different, it is advisable to alternate them.

At the bottom of the jars Pour approximately tablespoon (just daily portion) of dry beans, neck camouflage fabric and put on the lid.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

through the hole in the lid, pour ordinary cold tap water, shaken jar, pour the water (which is convenient - without removing the cover!). We shall do so a few times to rinse well with our seeds. Again we pour the water and leave the seeds to swell for a few hours. It is advisable to change the water 2-3 times, and for some seeds, for example, buckwheat, do it at all necessary. It turns out, buckwheat when wet highlights something like mucus that coats the seeds and prevents them from germinating.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

After 3-4 hours the last time you rinse the seeds in a jar, and then turn over it so that all the seeds appeared on the cover, and put in a warm place (preferably darkened) for germination. Inside the jar is stored moist atmosphere, but excess water is not delayed. The air enters through the holes, so that the seeds do not run the risk of "choking".

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

So the seeds germinate for several hours, or even days. It is very desirable from time to time to pour into a jar with fresh water, rinse the seeds and put on the germination on.

Relive seeds grow in size, produce roots and shoots of the future stems.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

This winter rye sprouted to the desired condition and ready for use.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

So appetizing look of naked oats, which is, well, just do not replace, in cereal day diet.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

And this is - almost ready vitamin salad with kiwi (it is at the bottom), pear (pictured visible pieces) and germinated buckwheat. It remains to fill the living and homemade yogurt flavor with a spoon of honey with pollen - and we have a good half of the daily value needed by the body vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other bioactive substances with these delicious and light breakfast.

Diet 6 petals, cereal day menu: what to eat and how to germinate seedlings

Cereal day finish knowing that tomorrow we are waiting for new delicious and healthy treats, which we have prepared the fifth, cheese day diet six petals.