Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

Fried cucumbers - this is an unusual and very tasty Asian snacks. Once I tried a salad in a restaurant, I try to recognize the components of food and cook it at home. I do not know whether it is called as fried cucumber in Chinese or in Korean, but my household of crunchy and slightly tangy salad with sesame liked. Now, often I cook it in a season when the active mature cucumbers. I am pleased to share with housewives recipe that generously supplies the incrementally captured image.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos


• cucumbers - 700 g;

• hot pepper - 1/2 pod;

• chesnok- 1 head;

• Vegetable oil - 30 g;

• Starch - 30 g;

• Salt - 1/2 tsp .;.

• sesame 20 grams.

How to cook fried cucumber

Cucumbers for salads better to choose the ground, not hothouse, t. To., Greenhouse-grown cucumbers too watery. Another tip, try cucumbers away rovnenkie not overripe. So they are more comfortable nice and neat cut.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

Starting to cook, cucumbers, we need to wash and wipe off the excess moisture with a paper towel. Then, cut off the tip of cucumber and a cucumber cut himself, first in half crosswise, then lengthwise into four pieces.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

To fried pickles turned crispy, we need to remove at this stage of their excess moisture. To do this, simply sprinkle with salt and fifteen minutes give way to stand.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

During this time, you need to prepare hot peppers and garlic. Garlic peeled and shinkuem thin platelets. Hot pepper cut into thin strips. Try to not fall into a dish of hot pepper seeds.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

Next, the liquid, which was isolated from cucumber, we carefully poured off, and themselves cucumbers need wet towels on both sides as in the photo.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

After that, a good crumble cucumbers in starch. Preheat a large frying pan, pour oil, and pour cucumbers. Spread frying they need in a single layer. Stirring a few times shovel, fry over high heat for five minutes.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

Then the fire making medium and add to the pan, garlic and pepper. Fry all together for another five minutes with occasional stirring.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

In the end, add to the pan sesame seeds, stir again and our meal is ready.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

a delicious, spicy and fried crispy cucumbers in portions on a small plate as an appetizer to the main course.

Fried cucumber with hot pepper, garlic, and sesame seeds, how to cook fried cucumber - a step by step recipe photos

Such unusual and spicy cucumber salad can be supplied both in hot and in a cooled down state.