Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

The second day is dedicated to diet six petals vegetables. In the vegetable diet are allowed to eat the day 1-1, 5 kg of vegetables raw, boiled, steamed or baked. Acceptable use herbs, seasonings and little salt - to enhance the withdrawal of excess water from the body. It describes in detail the preparation of some of these dishes, with steps to make a photo, offer to you.

Immediately, I note that non-starchy vegetables should be taken, ie the potatoes to the diet is not necessary, unless the young at the beginning of the summer.

As the first hot meals in the day, you can cook a vegetable already known celery soup.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

is fine and the usual salad - but no potatoes and almost no oil. And if you replace the pickles fresh salad will be more useful, and its flavor - tender and unusual.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

But the most tasty and healthy, of course, it's all sorts of salads with fresh vegetables. In summer, they have no problems, but here in the winter is much more difficult. Somehow, the "plastic" tomatoes, "wax" peppers and cucumbers, of unknown origin are not credible. Who knows what kind of chemistry they poured into the unknown distant lands?

The most secure from the fact that winter is on the shelves and suitable vegetable Day Diet Six petals represented cabbage (cabbage and Beijing), root vegetables and fresh greens, including lettuce. Cabbage and root crops, we have already made soup and salad, now we reinvent something delicious for salads. Lettuce in principle to the taste - the grass-grass silage this dish make different-filling salad. Unfortunately, in terms of diet, we can not use the traditional sour cream, mayonnaise or a vegetable oil. Therefore, we prepare two sharp filling on the basis of dried fruits.

Soak in warm water for a small handful of prunes and dried apricots. After 15-20 minutes, the water is drained, carefully wash fruits, not to leave dirt and seed fragment and fill it, now, boiling water.

Small svekolku cook steamed or baked in the microwave - so it will retain more mineral trace elements.

To prune-beet filling, we need: prunes soaked, boiled or baked beets, large clove of garlic, a few walnuts.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

beets, prunes, garlic and nuts finely chop with a knife.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

Mix all this, dressed with lemon juice and grainy mustard. Instead of salt soy sauce is better to take. All the mix, and beet-prune filling is ready.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

To a vegetable day diet Six lobe was the most colorful I'm going to do yet, and a bright orange sauce. Cooking sweet and sour sauce with dried apricots and ginger. If apricots got very dry, simply soaking it may not be enough. Pour a little boiled water and send apricots for a few minutes in the microwave.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

The fact that we are preparing, this is a classic Chinese sweet sauce, it is suitable for anything; and meat, and poultry, and green. In addition to dried apricots and ginger, we need garlic, lemon and hot pepper (can be fresh or dried). Personally, I prefer to use chili paste - so it is easier to dose.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

The finely cut dried apricots, ginger and garlic, add a little pepper paste and lemon juice, all split blender. Instead of salt use classic soy sauce, add a little sweetness to honey. If it turns out thickish, volem little boiled water.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

Both the sauce is ready, it is the turn already washed and obsushennogo salad. Lettuce in general the product is very delicate, it even cut is undesirable, except that right hand break. And you can not chop up a salad at all, but simply a whole leaves to dip coat or dressing. Like this:

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

In order not to mess around, just smear a lot of lettuce, Fold each leaf in half, add a couple of stalks of celery, a little parsley and thinly sliced ​​lemon. After these preparations are usually a dull day vegetable diet turns into a real vegetable vitamin feast.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - vegetable day

And, most importantly, that all dietary requirements are met! Delicious, beautiful, and useful it is!

During the day, do not forget about vodichku and teas, as well as in the previous fishing day and falling asleep remember what awaits us tomorrow a hearty chicken day. ????