Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Very popular favorite Tartar triangular and meat pies and potatoes have a lot of different denominations (ichpichmaki, echpochmak, uchpuchmaki etc.) And countless cooking options. In each house and each family their own, the most proper and beloved. ???? We have already prepared the Tatar cakes of yeast dough and minced chicken, today demonstrate another option. I will cook echpochmak kefir, without yeast. Our triangular pie dough is oil on yogurt and toppings are not chicken, but because of the cut (chopped) pork.

we need to test:

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • butter (or margarine) - 200 c;
  • Salt - 1 tsp .;.
  • soda (disintegrant) - 1 tsp..
  • flour in / s - about 700 grams.

need to cook meat For the filling:

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos
  • 0, 5 kg of meat;
  • a pair of bulbs;
  • 3-4 medium kartoshinu;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • a cup of strong beef broth.

Since the filling for echpochmak does not pass the preliminary heat treatment, the meat must be quite young, soft and fat (ie. E. The old beef or horse meat is better not to take). Classic - lamb with the addition of sheep fat, veal, poultry. If you do not identify themselves as devout Muslims, it can take an average of fat young pork - great sin is not. And yet, precisely for this recipe we will certainly need about a cup of strong beef broth.

How to cook echpochmak kefir

We begin to knead the dough for echpochmak kefir. To do this, first kefir combine with the softened butter. Then, add flour, add salt and baking powder (soda) and knead zhirnovat, soft, not sticky dough. It is possible to do by hand, but you can - in the dough mixer or bread machine.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

The finished dough is rolled into a ball, wrap in foil and send it to rest and mature in the fridge for 30-40 minutes. As you can see, the recipe for the dough on kefir echpochmak very simple.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Toppings for echpochmak prepared without the use of a meat grinder. Therefore, it is desirable to slightly freeze meat that the consistency has become a bit harsh - so it will be easier to cut.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

In the village you can still find special wooden troughs and broken rice - such broad arc-shaped knife with two handles, something resembling a two-handed saw. And naturally there are still energetic Tatar grandmother, who deftly wielding these simple devices, crumble the meat quickly branded electric meat grinder! We, in the absence of all of the above, will have to work their own hands and well-sharpened knife. The meat should be cut into pieces of approximately with flavor.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

The only reason echpochmak not cook every day - very boring chop for stuffing a raw potato cubes melenkimi. Will help solve the problem of a special shredder. Peeling potatoes, cut it to the plastics 4-5 mm thick. Working area shredder loads of bars with the smallest squares - and went to work!

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

We spread the potatoes on the grill plate, slam spare no effort - and melenkie rovnenkie cubes are poured into a hopper. Good work, fun, hands-free! ????

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

A pair of minutes - and the ideal shape and size potato cubes are sent to the shredded meat.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

And we come to the onions. Can be simple and austere chop it with a knife on a board, but with a shock shredder process is fast, fun, and, almost without tears. The technology is the same as that of potatoes: cut onion on the plate, and then chop them into small lattice shredder.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Ready pour the onion to the potatoes.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Set the simplest seasonings (dish something simple, rustic): a mixture of pepper, sweet paprika and salt. If you got salt flavored with herbs of Provence and Adygei type - will do fine. Seasoning shred, grind in a mortar and pour into mincemeat.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

In a large bowl, mix well minced to our filling it became uniform, a uniform distribution of all components.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Meanwhile, in the refrigerator dough is ripe. We take out it, divided by the size of portioned pieces, approximately, with a ping-pong ball and roll out tortillas-juicy.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

In the middle of each cake spread the filling - about a tablespoon with a hill on each with a very.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Our dough is leavened and unleavened, and the properties of the character it closer to a savory crumbly sand, that is, in itself, it sticks together quite reluctantly. Moisten the edge with your fingertip cake with plain water and easy to blindly triangular pastry with a hole at the top.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

For the beauty and strength of each seam sdubliruem, pinch wiring.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

spread the raw echpochmak on greased baking sheet, the laid paper baking or simply covered austere silicone mat and put in baking heated to 180-200 degrees oven for 20-25 minutes. Do not think that we have forgotten to grease our cakes for coloring - just time for this operation is not yet.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

When the dough is stronger, and scallops seams begin to dry and slightly pink - take out the baking, and the opening of each patty pouring approximately tablespoon of broth. If the broth is not home, there will be big trouble if we dissolve in a glass of boiling water bouillon cube, and use this solution. Only then we can echpochmak grease lightly with beaten egg or egg yolk and put dopekayut another 10-15 minutes.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Take out ready Tatar pies from the oven and spread on a dish. The dough turned out crumbly, sonorous, crisp. A large amount of oil does not allow him to be melted, although the stuffing inside and expire fragrant broth.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Such triangular pies with meat and potatoes are good hot and cold, with tea and kvass, weekdays and holidays, to their home, and for our dear guests.

Tatar pies with meat and a potato on kefir - how to cook cakes with kefir in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Ashlarygyz tәmle bulsyn! - Bon Appetit!