Recipes pancakes and pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
With all the variety of pancakes and pancakes, their preparation technology has no significant difference. The main components of the essential classic pancakes are flour and dairy products, and eggs and a small amount of oil. Nowadays, in a world of abundance and prosperity, pancake recipe have a variety of options, methods and differences.
Because of love for him, wanting to diversify the diet of pancakes, people began to experiment and adapt them to your taste, thus, even more to popularize this dish. In our selection, you will get acquainted with some of them. And we hope that you will make your choice and find your best pancake recipe for the upcoming celebration of the carnival.
The thin pancakes with milk
First let's look at the classic recipe for pancakes, which is most common in Russia and CIS countries. That's just such a simple way our ancestors baked them. As a result, milk pancakes will turn out fine, soft and extremely tasty. Thin pancakes and convenient in that they can be wrapped in any suitable filling. The thinner the pancakes, the skill and ability to baking them in the face ...
Ingredients: 3 cup milk 3 eggs, 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, 30-50 g of butter, 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/3 teaspoon, or baking soda, a pinch of salt, 3 cups flour (200 gr.. . glass)
In a medium bowl beat eggs and add sugar. Thoroughly rub the sugar whisking eggs. Pour vegetable oil and warm milk, stir.
Pour the salt and mix well. Sifting parts add the flour, baking powder put on top of the flour and beat until smooth liquid consistency so that no lumps are formed.
Preheat the frying pan and grease the bottom of the butter. Pour the pancake mixture, so that mass located uniformly thin layer. Bake on medium heat, turning alternately, no more than 1-2 minutes, until light browning. When you are ready to shift and anoint each pancake with butter until hot.
In order to pastries did not stick to the bottom, use a cast iron pan or a special pancake. The thickness can be pancakes adjust density of the mixture. The thinner the mixture, the obtained thin pancakes.
a pancake dough with milk, perhaps, is the best way to bake the most delicate and incredibly delicious pancakes, from which will exude sdobny flavor.
yeast pancakes Recipe
It does not matter from what flour you will bake pancakes, dough for them should always be about the same consistency. When you cook pancakes on a yeast-based, it will be necessary to prepare the brew, and after already can proceed directly to the preparation of the dough. Pancakes with yeast are more lush and soft to the bite. And taste is not inferior to the usual us thin pancakes ...
Ingredients: Sachet dried yeast, 500 g of flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 eggs, 2 cups milk, 3 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, salt, 30 grams of butter
The first step is to prepare the sponge: In a small bowl, pour 100 g of warm water, add a teaspoon of flour and the same amount of sugar, stir well, to avoid lumps in the liquid to dissolve the yeast. Insist in a warm place until the formation of caps. Process of preparation of dough may take from 5 to 10 minutes. Then, in a deep bowl, beat eggs and sugar to pound, pour the milk, melted butter, and stir the brew. Often add flour, knead the dough whisk homogeneous liquid sour cream consistency.
Heat the pan, not impose pancake mass thick layer. Evenly spread over the dough you need to tilt the pan and before that every time should be greased with butter the bottom. Cook on both sides.
Ideally, such a lush and gentle air pancakes can be served fresh sour cream, jam, honey or eggs, and all of this with hot tea.
Pancakes with greenery
Ingredients: 200 g fresh dill, parsley, coriander, celery, onion, basil and sorrel; 1 liter of milk; 100-150 ml of water; 500 g flour; 2 eggs; 50 ml + oil for frying; . 1 teaspoon baking powder; Butter for lubrication; Salt.
Combine the milk, flour, eggs, baking powder, and salt. Thoroughly whisk to avoid lumps formed, and insist 2 hours.
Thoroughly wash all greens, dry and finely chop. The composition of the green, you can change or add to the discretion.
In the present test pour 100-150 ml of water to make the dough turned moderately liquid. Add vegetable oil and chopped herbs. To stir thoroughly.
Cooking pancakes on the hot frying pan greased with butter on both sides alternately to light rosy color. When you are ready to grease each pancake butter.
Mardi Gras, celebrations among one of the most cheerful and funny. Rumor has it that if not plenty to amuse the feast day, all year will not pursue luck. By long tradition for the whole week pancakes will be a major and indispensable delicacy. We hope that you cherpnuli useful and make your choice in the recipes presented here.
Corn fritters
Ingredients: 1 tbsp. spoon of ground flax, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, 1, 5 hours. cornstarch, 1 cup of corn flour, 1, 5 hours. tablespoons baking powder, 1/2 cups flour 1/4 hr. of salt, 1/4 hr. spoon paprika, 1 cup milk, 1 tbsp. tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tbsp. Spoon sugar
First it is necessary to mix in water (3 tbsp. Spoons) flax meal and infuse within a few minutes, from 5-10 minutes.
Next, connect the milk with the lemon juice, stir, and the milk must be rolled, then add sugar and divorced linen.
Separately, combine all the remaining ingredients and add bulk to the prepared formula. All mix thoroughly.
On frying pan, heat a little oil, imposing a spoon fry pancakes in small portions on both sides until golden brown crust.
Happy Holidays!
And you know what, ground flax - a 100% natural product, which is made from high quality raw materials for special unique technology.