Potato salad with green beans and olives

Beans - a useful vegetable culture, a source of vegetable protein and valuable natural product. As an example of a nutritious and balanced meals we offer a simple salad recipe of baked potatoes with green beans and olives, where a combination of products in perfect harmony with pleasure.

A feature of this recipe is that potatoes baked in their jackets, in rare cases, boiled in salted water. Traditional salad of potatoes in the American has many variations but the main ingredient and is not interchangeable, the dish can include a virtually all other components, including mayonnaise.

The American potato salad with green beans and olives

Potato salad with green beans and olives

Wash the potatoes without peeling from the skin, put in a refractory form, pour 1 tablespoon oil, stir and place in preheated oven. Bake potatoes in the oven at 180 degrees - 20 minutes.

How to bake potatoes in the oven

It all depends on the size, varieties and harvesting. Potatoes are a late harvest should bake a little longer, sometimes it may be up to 1 hour.

Very large vegetables before cooking is best divided into certain parts.

In a small deep pan add water, put onto the plate and bring to the boil, add salt, place green beans and simmer over a low heat moderately - 5 minutes. How to cook and how to cook green beans

Standard time preparing young fresh beans for 5 minutes, frozen - 8 minutes. Keep in mind that cooking times larger pods could increase by 1-2 minutes, and more mature.

Before cooking, the pods will first need to sort, wash, cut off the ends, and it is recommended to divide large.

When ready, draining it and re-fill with ice-water and hold it for 1-2 minutes.

Remember that the finished beans boiled in water should remain slightly crunchy and a little hard.

The next step - is the greens. Cut off the tips of green onions, remove the head edge, wash and chop finely.

Fresh parsley sprigs rinse in water and finely chop well as bow.

Canned fruit olive tree divided into two parts or quarters.

Baked potatoes in their skins peel and divide into small pieces.

Put all the chopped ingredients in a deep bowl, add salt, pepper and a pre-mix.

Pour one tablespoon of lemon juice and add the rest of the olive oil.

Thoroughly mix vegetable salad with potatoes, green beans and black olives in oil and lemon juice.