Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

However, the desire to feel among the secret and very non-random things in humanity indestructible. Indeed, we might have all these eagles and tails, king of spades, buckets full of shooting stars and anything to tell us, to give us something to share, so that we know they are not alone in their desires.

More on the topic: the magic of the simple joys of Christmas

Very often such thoughts come in Winter holidays, when nowhere to run and no reason, and you can safely look at the face of the mysterious and learn of their destiny and fortune told on her spouse. That's what our ancestors did in the good old days, that is, at Christmas, when the evil spirit is especially strong.

Modern man seems to be a bit more complicated, so divination become more sophisticated, so to speak. That is why we offer you a few lessons trendy divination baking, based on well-tested ancient practice.

Let's start with the mysterious confidence.

Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

The first lesson. Calm, and just calm to

There is one proven way to understand that, despite the good face game you bad. Very ancient way and faithful. Try to make a dough, for example, bread or rolls, in a state of lost nervous equilibrium. I assure you, everything goes awry. The dough is either too thin or too thick, and if required, so that it was rising, it would never rise. Furthermore, the dough will feel immediately that you that something is wrong, even if you do not guess about it. Therefore, before cooking, especially for others, think of yourself seriously.

The second lesson. If you notice something, take it seriously, but do not be alarmed

If you do happen to knead the dough, then before you put your baked goods in the oven, you can give buns or bread names of prospective suitors. So did all the respectable women. The same, by the way, did and boys in relation to girls in those days, when people of both sexes did not hesitate to work in the real economy. And then you do not need to philosophize slyly. Signs simple. Swelled bread too - beware of verbiage and voobrazhaly. I shrunk and withered too - before you skareda. There were cracks in the crust - expect trouble in the affairs of the heart.

Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

But the trouble is, if all the rolls come out good and moderately propekutsya. Then you have to take full responsibility for the decision itself. However, it is recommended in any circumstance.

The bread you did not disappoint, we recommend that you bake it according to the recipe of cooking a classic Russian Elena Molokhovets. Here is the original source of the book "A Gift to Young Housewives, or a means to reduce costs in the household" in 1861.

Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

The third lesson. Be bold and decisive in the desires and wishes of the

Indeed, what is the point to think all the small stuff? Be aware, if you're not honest with yourself, you then bitterly regret the time spent. Guessing just exactly what do you want, and do not be afraid, it will get another cherished. Let your desires will be unreal and nevoplotimy, indecent or mad, you know, here you do not just know the future, and take the path of self-magic. The fact that the more pronounced and written, will start to incarnate. The main thing - do not eat a piece of paper, when the bake, and ye shall eat your tarot cookies!

COOKIES "divination" Alexander Seleznev OF

Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

What you need: 120 g butter

4 protein

200 g of powdered sugar

160 g flour

3 tbsp. l. sour cream

a pinch of salt

How to cook biscuits "Divination" from Alexander Seleznev: 1. Protein whip with powdered sugar to the strong peaks.

2. Add sour cream, salt, softened butter and sifted flour and mix until uniform. Leave the dough for 15 minutes.

3. Put the dough 1 at spoon silicone pad and smooth thin layer of 10 cm diameter.

4. Bake cookies at 180 ° C 5 minutes to light-brown color around the edges. Then remove cookies quickly.

5. In the middle of each cookie, place a note with the predictions.

6. Fold the pastry in half, and then fold in half.

7. Put the cookies in a glass, pinning him to the wall edge. Refrigerate.

8. Fold the pastry quickly, ie. To. It almost immediately becomes a solid.

The fourth lesson. Free imagination

If you are too tired from the research themselves, and tell fortunes still want, bake Roe. Why is this batch? As always, in deciphering the signs. Mysterious always responds to the call of the people with imagination. Figures horned animals, which are kozuli readily known and little-known to endow properties. Bull resistant, but simple-minded; goat, do you know how, but do not hurt him, think maybe it has something good; ram - a symbol of abundance; Deer - longevity and happiness; moose - strength and so on. When Roe bake, try to choose one of the figures blindly. The one that will be in your hand, and will be your prediction for the whole year.


Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

What you need: 2 tsp.. mixture of ground spice (cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anise, nutmeg)

5 egg yolks

3 tbsp. l. Sahara

4 tbsp. l. ghee

300 g wheat flour

Honey 300 g

1/2 h. L. soda

400 g rye flour

1 tbsp. milk

Glaze: 1 tbsp. icing sugar

1 egg white

How to make Christmas Roe: 1. Rub the yolks with the sugar.

2. Heat the milk and butter to 60-70 ° C, mix, add honey, egg yolks, spices, rye and wheat flour, soda.

3. Knead the dough and roll seam thickness of 1 cm.

4. Cut figurines of horned animals or cookie cutters or use a knife.

5. Baking vystelit baking paper. Decompose ready figures 1 cm apart and put in a preheated 200 ° C oven for 10-12 minutes.

6. For the glaze mix protein and powdered sugar.

7. Ready Roe cool, cover with glaze.

Lesson Five, the final. Prudence will not interfere

Finally, everyone's favorite guessing on a "yes-no". This divination do not need to think about anything. We just need to put a small object into the baking dish. In ancient times, Christmas bakers prefer to invest in pechenyushki coin for good luck or even a precious pendant. But be careful: you never know in whose cookies will be a surprise. In the heat of divination can and forget. So our conjectural advice: take care of your teeth, ladies and gentlemen. It is best to hide in the almond nut pastries or, even safer, spice, cherry or citron. If you have not notice, anyway good luck you will not pass. We recommend to put the above items in excellent Christmas cookies by Alexander Seleznev.

Yule divination as cooking process - video recipes at home

Christmas cookie from Alexander Selezneva

What you need: 250 g of honey

250 g of sugar

600 g flour

1 egg

175 g butter

5 Art. l. lemon juice

1 h. L. cinnamon

1 tbsp. l. cocoa

3 tbsp. l. Roma

Protein Drawing weight: 150 g of powdered sugar

1 protein

1 h. L. lemon juice

How to make Christmas cookies from Alexander Seleznev: 1. Mix the honey, sugar and butter. In a water bath heat up the mixture and remove from heat. Add the egg and cinnamon, mix well.

2. Sift the flour and mix with cocoa.

3. Add the flour, rum and lemon juice in honey and oil mixture, and knead the dough uniform. Refrigerate.

4. Roll dough in a layer 5 mm thick.

5. Cut out cookie dough in the form of men and stars.

6. Bake cookies at 200 ° C for 15 minutes.

7. Decorate the cooled cookies protein-drawing mass.

Protein Drawing weight: Whisk protein with powdered sugar and lemon juice to form a stable and mass peaks. Touch up a lot of food dyes and transfer to a kornetik.