Adjika 10 rare recipes for winter
Traditional Abkhaz adjika prepared on the basis of hot pepper, garlic, salt and herbs.
We offer not limited to only one manifold in such classic ingredients for burning seasoning. Meet our easy tested recipes!
How to cook adjika 3 rules
- Fish with vegetables and adzhika
Abkhaz cuisine dish: zander with adzhika, cucumbers and tomatoes.
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To color in adzhika was rich and thick consistency, choose the brightest and fleshy vegetables.
- Salt use better stone, since it is sodium chloride in a pure form is a potent preservative and iodized salt can ferment and softening of vegetables.
- particularly acute taste adzhika gives brown seeds from chilli pepper. If from the pods to remove the seed pods sauce taste turns milder. And do not forget to use rubber gloves to avoid burns on the pepper!
Green adjika
Business Card Abkhazia. This adjika served to many dishes and always - to roast lamb on a spit.
What you need:
- 6-8 big bitter green peppers
- 1 head of garlic
- 1 bunch cilantro
- 1 tbsp. spoon of salt
How to cook green adjika:
- Pepper cut into small pieces without peeling from the seeds.
- Grind pepper with the garlic in a mortar or pass several times through a meat grinder.
- Add salt, stir and leave to infuse for 15-20 minutes.
Peerless host of the program "Home cooking" Lara Katsov shared with us their family recipe adzhika, turn on the video!
Russian adjika "Spark"
For soup, salty fat on rye bread and boiled potatoes with herring - adjika ideally suited to traditional Russian dishes. It can be used for making sauces for meat and even rassolnik salad and soup. What you need:
- 1 kg of tomatoes
- 1 kg of sweet pepper
- 400 g of garlic
- 200 g of hot pepper
- 150 g of parsley root
- 1 tbsp. spoon of salt (for storage adzhika more than 1-2 months, increase the amount of salt in half)
How to cook Russian adjika "Spark":
- I cut the stalk of tomatoes, peppers, clean from the core, garlic - from the husk.
- tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, parsley root and garlic mince.
- Add salt, stir and leave the lid closed at room temperature for two days, stirring occasionally.
- Arrange in sterilized jars and store in refrigerator.
Burning adjika with basil
Island! Very spicy! Even sharper! Universal recipes that this adjika can be used not only to meat dishes, but also for sandwiches, sauces, soups, and even pasta.
What you need:
- 500 g red pepper (you can add a couple of green peppers)
- 400 g of garlic
- 2 bunches of green basil
- 1 bunch cilantro
- 1 bunch parsley
- 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
How to make burning adjika with basil:
- Y peppers cut off the stalk, seeds do not remove.
- Greens Rinse and dry.
- All the ingredients with salt mince 4-5 times to get the most homogeneous mass.
- Put adjika in a glass or enamel bowl and leave at room temperature for 4 days.
- then decomposed into a clean jar and store in refrigerator.
Nut adjika
Adjika - not adjika, if it is not nuts, so believe in the Caucasus. Thin pleasant aroma, thick texture and rich nutty taste - that's what makes this adjika! What you need: 500 g tomatoes
400 g walnuts
200 g red bell pepper
3 heads of garlic
2-3 hot peppers
1 bunch or parsley cilantro
4 tbsp. spoon of refined sunflower oil
2 tbsp. 9% vinegar
1 h. Teaspoon salt
How to make a walnut adjika:
- Bulgarian pepper remove seeds, wash and dry greens.
- I cut the stalk of tomatoes.
- Tomatoes, peppers, garlic, nuts and herbs grind in a blender or twice through a meat grinder.
- In the finished weight to add sunflower oil, vinegar and salt.
- Stir and serve immediately possible!
Gorloder or Siberian adjika with horseradish
Recipe from Siberia is quite able to make a healthy competition hot sauce of sunny Abkhazia. Basis gorlodera - vigorous root of horseradish. Suitable for meat and fish dishes, corned beef, and especially - to the kebab and homemade sausages grilled.
What you need:
- 500 g tomatoes
- 50 g horseradish root
- 50 grams of garlic
- 1, 5 h. Salt spoons
- 1 h. Spoon sugar
How to prepare gorloder or Siberian adjika with horseradish
- Tomatoes, garlic and horseradish grind in a meat grinder.
- Combine all ingredients, add salt and sugar, mix well.
- Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up.
Adjika of pepper
If the fiery condiment you do not like, prepare a lightweight version of this sauce with a sweet and sour taste and a light spice. This adjika goes well with roasted or boiled meat, poultry, fish, baked potatoes in foil and roasted toasts.
What you need:
- 1 kg of sweet red pepper
- 300 grams of garlic
- 4-6 red hot peppers
- 50 ml of 9% vinegar
- 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
- 1 tbsp. spoon of salt
How to cook adjika of peppers:
- Peppers remove seeds.
- Peppers with garlic and hot peppers through a meat grinder.
- Add salt, sugar, vinegar, stir and leave to infuse for 3-4 hours.
- then decomposed into sterilized jars and storing it in a dark cool place.
with apples Adzhika
An improved and adapted the recipe adzhika poultry or grilled fish. To give the sauce a more delicate flavor, you can cook without burning pepper or reduce its amount.
What you need:
- 1 kg of tomatoes
- 500 g red bell pepper
- 500 g sour apples
- 300 g carrots
- 200 grams of garlic
- 50 g of hot pepper
- 200 ml of refined sunflower oil
- 1 bunch cilantro
- 1 bunch parsley
- salt - to taste
How to cook adjika with apples:
- All vegetables are cleaned and crushed together with fresh herbs in a blender or grinder.
- Add salt and sunflower oil.
- Bring to the boil and cook for the simmer 2, 5 hour.
- Put in sterilized jars and roll up.
Adzhika with plums
Delicate and soft adjika with plums perfectly with game, boiled potatoes and roasted vegetables, meatballs of chicken and pork chops.
What you need:
- 500 g plums (choose not sweet or even sour plum)
- 500 g pepper
- 2 heads of garlic
- 2 hot pepper
- 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste
- 100 g sugar
- 2 h. 9% vinegar
- 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
How to cook adjika with plums:
- Bulgarian pepper remove seeds, plums - from seed.
- Mince peppers, plums, garlic, hot pepper along with the seeds.
- Add chopped ingredients in a saucepan, add the tomato paste, salt and sugar.
- Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, over low heat for 30-40 minutes.
- 2 minutes before end of cooking, add the vinegar.
- ready mix shift into sterilized jars, roll, turn and leave it up to complete cooling.
adjika Baked pumpkin
Baked vegetables give this adzhika surprisingly delicate texture, and pumpkin - an unusual and at the same time unobtrusive flavor. Light, spicy, moderately spicy, with a subtle acidity.
What you need:
- 500 g pumpkin
- 200 g apples
- 200 g pepper
- 200 g onion
- 1 lemon
- 1 head of garlic
- 1 bunch basil
- 1 bunch cilantro
- 50 ml of refined vegetable oil
- 1 hot pepper
- 1 h. Spoon of salt
How to cook a baked pumpkin adjika:
- pumpkin and onion peel, apple and pepper - from seeds. Pumpkin and onion cut into pieces of any size.
- Wrap pumpkins, onions, apples peppers and foil, bake at 200 ° C 35 minutes. Then peel the apple and pepper from the skin.
- 3. All the roasted vegetables in a blender grind.
- Garlic, lemon and fresh herbs in a blender grind to a smooth paste.
- Connect the vegetables with lemon dressing, mix and immediately serve.
Adjika of pickles
There were pickles from last year's inventory? Prepare one hot sauce! The beauty of the recipe that adjika this can be done at any time quickly.
What you need:
- 500 g pickles
- 1 head of garlic
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste
- 2 tbsp. spoon of refined sunflower oil
- apple cider vinegar - to taste
- 1 pinch black pepper
- 1 pinch red pepper
How to cook adjika of pickles:
- Cucumber peel and grate or chop in a blender. If a lot of liquid - drain.
- Garlic is passed through the press.
- Connect cucumbers, garlic, tomato paste, vegetable oil, vinegar and spices.
- Stir and leave in the fridge for 1-2 hours.