What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

From time immemorial in Russia was the main meal meatless bread of coarse wheat. According to his special recipe prepared in the monasteries. Now in stores a huge selection of breads, for every taste.

However, many people began to abandon this flour products, as they believe that it contributes to weight gain.

Is that true, and what we lose by refusing to bread?

Perhaps, it is difficult to find a more versatile product. In the bread many healthful substances that are required by the body. There are cases when people are eating only one bread and water, lived for many years, and thus differed good health. And it is no coincidence, since the bread contained the entire set of vitamins, vitamins A, K and E, sodium, chlorine, zinc, selenium, copper, cobalt, magnesium, silicon, potassium, manganese, iodine. Complete rejection of bread can lead to depression, irascibility, fatigue and dissatisfaction with himself, because cereals - one of the main sources of vitamin B, which regulates the function of our nervous system and protects against stress.

The main rule in the use of bread - always remember the least! Nutritionists believe that 150 grams of gray or rye bread will not spoil the shape. However, not all bread is useful. try to understand how you can and should eat every day without fear to gain extra weight.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

Wheat white bread (loaf, baguette, loaf, muffin)

According to nutritionists, white bread from flour carries more calories and starch than good. After the use of white loaf or muffin blood sugar rises sharply, to produce insulin, causing sugar drops sharply and there is an acute sense of hunger. Consumption of white bread, tend to cause overeating. If you love to wheat bun so great, choose wheat bread with the addition of buckwheat, millet, oats, sunflower and flax, and also with various additives - onion, paprika, pumpkin, carrot. In this bread, in addition to starch and calories, there is a useful fiber.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

Gray and black bread

Gray and black bread, of which consists of rye flour, digested several times slower than the white bread. The use of rye bread is undeniable. That it contains the essential amino acids the human body, fiber, macronutrients, minerals, trace elements. Proteins of rye bread is much richer in lysine (an amino acid useful for the organism). Unlike white bread, rye helps to adjust the amount of food eaten: in the use of such bread in combination with other products you will begin to quickly feel satiety, and as a result eat less.

Rye bread promotes speedy excretion of carcinogens, and other harmful metabolic products. It is far less calories than white. Now there are plenty of recipes for bread based on rye flour: caraway, raisin, nuts, bran. Bran, incidentally, contain additional vitamins, fiber and minerals. If the manufacture of rye bread using flour from grain legumes (maize, peas), the caloric content of bread will be reduced, but will increase the content of useful substances.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

wholemeal bread

Those who are watching their weight, it is important to eat whole grain breads. Scientists have shown that people who eat more whole grains and fiber-rich foods, lower risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Whole wheat bread, containing in its composition all the benefits of whole grain, strengthens the body, prolonging youth and increases the tone. Bread made from this flour can rightly be called the medical product. Whole wheat bread improves intestinal peristalsis, as rich in crude fiber. And it effectively removes harmful substances from the body - the salts of heavy metals and toxic decomposition products. Norma "therapeutic bread" per day - 3-4 pieces (about 150 grams).

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

"Live" bread

Bread marked "live" on the shelves of stores is relatively recent, and has already become popular. What is its "highlight"? It's simple: this bread contains basically living svezheprorosshee grain. Typically, the feedstock for its preparation are the seeds of plants are dormant. In the "sleeping" beans low in vitamins and minerals, and in svezheprorosshih - they are several times more. "Alive" bread is not stored for a long time, so it must be eaten quickly, within a day . Live seedlings of grain - the oldest recreational facility. Many who have tasted and liked the "living" bread, consider that a sandwich with it - healing food that returns health.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

BIO bread

Organic bread is the most popular among those who lead a healthy lifestyle, and is opposed to all kinds of food additives. As part of this there is no bread preservatives, disintegrating agents and various food additives. Used for its production or rye flour or wheat, wholegrain, peeled, wallpaper or wholemeal. Yeast is not never used - they are replaced with natural natural ferments. Often BIO bread added natural honey, sunflower seeds, caraway seeds, nuts, raisins, poppy seeds, prunes, dried tomatoes, pumpkin, fennel and other spices useful.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

unleavened bread (lean)

Unleavened rye bread is created based on the hop leaven and cook it without yeast. As part of the bread - just intoxicating sourdough, rye flour, salt and water. Minimum calories - maximum benefit! Such bread has a high nutritional and biological value. Unleavened bread also has anti-inflammatory effects. Useful in diseases of the stomach and dysbiosis.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

What is better to eat bread?

The bread goes well with milk, dairy products, soups and vegetables. But with the meat products it best not to eat, because the combination of bread + meat in the stomach slows down the digestion of starch process, from which there is a feeling of heaviness and heartburn possible.

What bread is the most useful? - video recipes at home

Now that you know all about the bread and the urgent need to eat something. How about a warm bread with herbs and olive oil? We offer an amazingly simple and quick videoretsept from Lara Katsov!

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