How to quickly defrost the dough

How to quickly defrost the dough
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  • How in the shortest possible time to defrost the dough

The hostess who prefer homemade food restaurant has its specialties culinary specialties, as well as the little tricks, it helps out in difficult times. For example, the ability to quickly defrost the dough will greatly help in the case of unexpected guests.

Cooking miracle dough on kefir

Not all housewives know how to properly cook

yeast dough. And sometimes you just do not have time to do it. In this case, it can be easily replaced in the test yogurt, which in its properties as much as possible approached to it.

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Immediately I must say that the dough is best to defrost in advance, for a few hours before preparation thereof or other baking dishes. For this it is placed in the refrigerator and waiting about 12 hours. Then it is ready for use. But, if you still have to resort to "emergency" measures, then it should be done properly, because the frozen dough - pretty delicate product that can easily spoil.

The method is fast defrosting depends on the quality and type of test. To unfreeze puff pastry, it must be put in two plastic bags, you can wrap the top with something warm, such as towel and place on a hot battery. If the heating is good, then the towel warms up quickly and is long keep warm. From time to time you can turn the dough to make defrosting more even. The basic recipe for great pastry from the famous confectioner Oleg Ilyin. Watch the video! ..

To defrost leavened dough must be approached more carefully. It is said that already when you buy should pay attention to his appearance. The product should be milky beige color with a dense smooth texture without any defects. Ideal for defrosting yeast dough will microwave. Unless such a function is not available, you can use the heating mode is approximately 80-100 watts. The time necessary to set in within 45-50 seconds. For the test to be carefully monitored. Often overturn the dough, to prevent drying of the upper layer, and promote the gradual thawing.

Yeast dough can do even so: as flaky, it must be wrapped in plastic wrap and a towel. Then place on top of the lid of the heated pan. Moreover, the cover is hot, the better. You can then fold the dough into the pan. Next to the pan to ignite the burners. Tank itself does not need to be connected with the test, otherwise the dough just begins to dry out and burn. Another good method is to defrost the dough using a water bath, which is the boiling pot of water to put another one and put it in the frozen product. In this case, also need to be attentive and careful, making sure the dough is not stuck to the bottom.

You can also use the most simple and convenient way - warm water. To do this, tightly wrap the dough in a plastic bag, to release excess air and dipped in heated water. As soon as the water starts to get cool, you must immediately replace it with a new one.

In addition, there is another common way - frozen yeast dough put in the oven. Only pre-release it from the package or cellophane. Keep the dough in the oven is to be long - just a few minutes.