Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

Many housewives have probably seen on the shelves of grocery stores small packages of rice paper, but not everyone knows how the paper used in cooking. I have a few recipes of interesting dishes, which include the rice paper. For example, a delicious sweet cheese rolls with jam. For clarity, each step of preparing a dessert I have supplied incrementally captured image.

Ingredients for one serving of rolls:

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos
  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 50 grams;
  • jam (any) - 20 g;
  • rice paper - 1 sheet.

Cheese for making childbirth, I advise you to take the average fat and soft in consistency (not too peretoplenny). Jam can take any of your choice, as long as it was thick. I put in their rolls of crude jam blackcurrant. It looks wonderful in this dessert apricot jam.

How to cook rolls with cream cheese at home

And so, we begin to cook. Cottage cheese and powdered sugar mix with a blender.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

As a result, mixing until smooth medium thick curd.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

Next, cut a piece of food foil in size slightly larger than a sheet of rice paper.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

rice paper spread on a foil and smear her cottage cheese layer 1-1, 5 cm.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

Further, the keeper sheet of rice paper put on the curd mass jam strip 1 cm wide.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

In this form, leave blank to roll to lie down for five minutes, during which time the rice paper will soften so that it could be effortlessly roll roll. Of slightly softened rice paper roll gently roll down.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

Then the plump roll wrap in foil and place it in the freezer chamber for forty minutes.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

pull out the roll out of the freezer, remove the foil and a sharp knife dipped in water, cut into pieces a la carte dessert on the passage of time.

Cheese rolls in rice paper - how to cook rolls with cream cheese at home, step by step recipe photos

Serve and cool, moderately sweet and delicious-looking cheese rolls with jam in rice paper is necessary portions, each consumer. Possible with unsweetened coffee or tea. They are stored in the refrigerator for three days, but usually this delicious dessert eaten in my family for five minutes.

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