Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

Pudding fish in a baguette is very simple and quite famous recipe in Polish dishes. Is such an original appetizer baguette in a very quick and easy. On its preparation takes less than one hour. Baked baguette stuffed with hot will be a perfect snack for any occasion. Read a detailed description of the recipe, which are attached in steps taken photos of each step and cook the pudding in Polish prints.


  • 1 French baguette;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 ml milk 2, 6%;
  • 1 gram of black pepper freshly ground;
  • 1/2 bunch of parsley (leaves);
  • 1/4 teaspoon seasoning for fish.;
  • 1/3 hour of sea salt.;
  • 200 grams of cod fillets;
  • 10 mushrooms;
  • 1 egg;
  • 90 grams of marble cheese.

How to cook the pudding fish in the oven baguette

Cooking begins with the preparation of fish. Boil cod fillets in boiling water for 10 minutes and take out into the bowl. While it is still warm, it is necessary to knead with a fork to mush. We do not need the broth.

Polportsii mushrooms cut into pieces and fried with onion in a pan with oil until a beautiful golden color. We add them to crackle, add all the spices. Break through the whole mass immersion blender, then Pour finely chopped parsley. Then, shaken egg with a fork and pour it into the bowl of a pudding mix. Half portions of cheese rub on a cheese grater and pour in the pudding. Mix finished fish stuffing.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

to cut off the tips of the baguette and remove them. The rest of the cut into pieces of 6-7 cm.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

In a bowl, pour the milk, omit the baguette with one end into the milk. We put it on the chopping board dry end down. Wet press fingers on the top layer and recessed moldings it on the bottom. It turns out that's such a shaper.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

The second half of mushrooms cut into slices and fry in oil. Put them on the bottom of the cups baguette.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Then, fill cups bagetnye fish pudding and sprinkle the second half of the grated cheese. Install all the cups on a baking sheet with a silicone mat.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

Bake pudding fish in a baguette about 10-12 minutes. Melted cheese, baguette and glass will be crisp.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

This pudding is in the "glass" should eat whole, but the one I cut to show what it looks like our original snack inside.

Recipe baguette stuffed in the oven - how to cook the pudding fish in the oven in a baguette, a step by step recipe photos

As can be seen in the photo, baked baguette with filling holds its shape well and is so delicious that just asks in his mouth. ????

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