Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

It is said that the pudding - is a favorite dessert of true Englishmen. In the UK, this dish is prepared, virtually every day. And, do it from a wide variety of products - ranging from bread and ending with cheese. Preparing this delicacy is very quick and easy. We offer you to cook your favorite dessert of the English in the kitchen. Today we will make homemade milk chocolate and vanilla pudding. Step by step recipe decorated with photos will help you not to make a mistake in the cooking process.

need the following ingredients to cook a two-tone chocolate and vanilla delicacy:

  • milk - 2 tbsp .;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • chopped walnuts - 50 g;
  • vanilla extract - 1-2 drops.

How to make chocolate-vanilla pudding with milk

In a small, but deep platter connect flour, starch and sugar:

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

horoshenechko Mix dry ingredients with a spoon. The resulting mixture was pour milk. Thoroughly whisk all mixer, so that there are no lumps. In this case, the pudding will gentle and air.

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

Transfer the resulting mixture into a deep saucepan and put on fire. Boil the pudding need at minimum heat, constantly interfering with it. When the mixture begins to thicken (it will happen in 5-7 minutes), remove the pan from the heat. Its contents are divided into 2 parts: one a little more, and the second, respectively, a little smaller. In large part, add a few drops of vanilla extract and mix all this well.

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

In the lower part of the complete, add 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Thoroughly mix the ingredients with a spoon.

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

The transparent molds (you can take the glasses or regular glasses) Put 2 tablespoons of vanilla pudding. On top lay a layer of vanilla chocolate pudding, and then the vanilla.

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

expansions in formochkam pudding generously sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

From a specified amount of food you get 3-ounce servings of goodies.

Homemade chocolate vanilla pudding with milk - how to cook the pudding at home, step by step recipe photos

to the table a chocolate-vanilla pudding served chilled. This dessert like literally everyone, but especially partial to his kids. Bon Appetit!