Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

Delicious, flavorful and very low-calorie chicken roll with cheese would be a good addition to a variety of salads, sandwiches and a great option for dinner. The dish is rich in proteins and beneficial fats and provides a delicious and hearty meal. Step by step recipe decorated with photos will help you to quickly cook the cheese roll of chicken breast in the oven at home.


Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos
  • suluguni - 35 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc .;
  • Italian herb - 5 g;
  • dill - 15 g;
  • black pepper - to taste.

How to cook chicken roll with cheese in the package for baking

First, you need to thoroughly wash the bacon and cut it in half, not dorezaya meat through. Grate chicken with salt and pepper.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

Put the inside of the breast required amount of greenery.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

Add to stuffing plate suluguni cheese.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

Fasten the breast using a toothpick so that the cheese does not leaked out.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

To rub the breast with spices and leave for ten minutes.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

Send raw chicken roll in the sleeve for baking and bake in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees until golden in color.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

The finished breast to remove from the bag and bring to the table hot. If you plan to use it in the cold, it should be left up his sleeve to cool.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

Cold cheese roulade of chicken breast can be used as additions to sandwiches, canapes and sandwiches.

Cheese roll from chicken breast in the oven - how to make a chicken roll at home, step by step recipe photos

and Delicious very simple appetizer suluguni chicken and cheese may be supplied to the hot table as meat dishes and cold as boiled pork. The dish is very tasty, flavorful and very easy. Time to prepare this simple meatloaf required is extremely small - only 40 minutes, and the dish on your desk!

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