Cutlets with cabbage

Skvorchaschaya kitchen pan, spreading through the house fragrant smells it preparing food, most of all convene at the table. Today, we have cabbage burgers - sample tasty nutritious and filling meal. They particularly enjoyed devours even the most fastidious people to eat, those who does not like cabbage in any form. Cutlets Cabbage can be served as a separate dish with some not complicated garnish of cooked rice or mashed potatoes with milk.

Even kids who do not wish to eat cabbage, will love them. After all, everyone loves meatballs and cabbage they are made even juicier. Compared with Zrazy, cooking cabbage burgers is not difficult, the main thing here properly prepare the stuffing, and exactly what we now consider.

Cabbage burgers - a step by step recipe

Cutlets with cabbage

Cut cabbage into quarters or smaller pieces, boiled briefly in a boiling water - 5-8 minutes, discard in a colander, drain, let cool and shred.

Cutlets with cabbage

In a deep bowl to collect the boiled cabbage, mince, drive the egg, you can add a little bread soaked in milk, sprinkled with spicy spices all ingredients and season with salt to taste.

Cutlets with cabbage

Stir the vegetable mince for meatballs, are not form large lumps of flat and round.

Cutlets with cabbage

to crumble them in a small amount of bread crumbs or flour and fry usual in a frying pan for 3-4 minutes on the hot oil until golden brown.

After chops cabbage covered with a golden color, it is necessary to cover the pan with a lid and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. In some cases, the cabbage boiled in water, but just saute in a frying pan over low heat until tender.

And another important point. To breading does not crumble, it is recommended to cool in the freezer, and then you can cook them before frying burgers.