Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

5 New Year's recipes from the stars "Home"

Simple and interesting New Year dishes

from our presenters. If you still have not made a festive menu, the stars of "home" happy to share their family recipes!

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That was said, but in Soviet times there were moments of joy that many members of the older generation remember. Even the New Year to take the trouble and the atmosphere of holiday expectations. After all, if there was proof association, the New Year smells of tangerines and tree. A dish that while preparing for the holiday table ?! However, to this day, some of them are a fixture in the New Year table. And we have prepared for you 10 recipes iconic Soviet dishes.

SALAD COD with horseradish

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients 250 g of cod fillets, 4-5 boiled potatoes, 2 cucumber, horseradish 100 g, 0, 5, Art. mayonnaise sauce, 2 h. L. vinegar, 50 g of green onion, parsley beam Salt - to taste.

How to prepare: Cooked cold codfish cut into pieces. Potatoes and cucumbers cut into slices. In a bowl put grated horseradish, add mayonnaise, salt, vinegar, mix with chopped fish, potatoes, cucumbers and shift in a salad bowl. Lettuce decorate slices of cucumber, finely chopped green onion, grated horseradish and parsley twigs.


Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

to Ingredients: 1 language weighing about 1 kg, 20-25 g of gelatin, 1 pc. roots, 1 onion.

How to prepare: Fresh tongue cooked with vegetables and onion, cooled, cut into thin slices, pour the jelly. Jelly cook broth, obtained by cooking with the language, and you need to remove the fat from the broth. Pieces Language to fill to decorate slices of boiled egg, cucumber, gherkins, leaves of parsley. Uploaded cut pieces, each piece encircling blade end, put in the dish and beautifully garnish with one or two sides salad white and red cabbage, tomatoes circles and cucumber. Garnish with lettuce and parsley. Separately submit sauce "Spicy", mayonnaise, sour cream sauce with horseradish or horseradish with vinegar.

liver pate

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 500 g of veal or beef liver, 100 g, bacon fat, 100 g of butter, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, 1 onion, bay leaf, pea allspice, salt, pepper, nutmeg - to taste.

How to prepare: Liver wash, peel from the films and the bile ducts and cut into small pieces and peeled carrots, parsley and onion - thin slices. All this fry until cooked with bacon fat, and cut into pieces, add 1 bay leaf and a few peas allspice. Thereafter skip twice or three times through the grinder (can be further rub through sieve). It is important to fry the liver, do not overdo it, otherwise the paste will not work in this school, as it should be. Pureed liver folded into a saucepan, add salt to taste, pepper, grated nutmeg and beat with a spatula, gradually adding the butter. Pate shift in glass or porcelain dishes and refrigerate. Serve as an appetizer, as a side dish by adding boiled eggs.

Pike in white wine

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 500g fillet perch, 0, 5, Art. of table wine, 200g of mushrooms, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 1 egg, 200 g of white bread, 4 tbsp. l. oil, 3/4 Art. broth or water, salt and pepper - to taste.

How to prepare: Perch fillet, cut into chunks and slices of mushrooms (champignons or white), lay in a shallow pan, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, pour in the white wine and 3/4 Art. broth (or water). Cook the fish for 15-25 minutes. Cut the bread with a crust of bread crumb cut diagonally with large and small slices. Large slices should be cut one for each piece of fish, and small - on two and fry them in butter. When the fish is cooked, drain the broth into another pot, put on fire and boil up until it will not go near the cup. Add to it incomplete tablespoon of flour, mixed with the same amount of oil, and, stirring, boil for 3-4 minutes. After removing from heat, the sauce with salt, add to it egg yolk, crushed in a glass with a tablespoon of butter, and mix well with a spoon. When a table to put on a warmed dish toasted slices of white bread, and on each of them - a piece of fish on which to lay the mushrooms. Pour the fish sauce strained through a sieve. Around decomposed fish fried small slices of bread.

Zrazy VEAL

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 500 g of beef (pulp), 1 large onion, 100 g of stale white bread without crusts, 0, 5, Art. milk, 3 tbsp. l. oil, 1 tbsp. broth, 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, salt and pepper - to taste.

How to prepare Cut thin veal slices the size of a hand and fight off carefully. Prepare the stuffing: finely chop the onion and fry it in butter; pieces of hard bread soak in milk and by releasing the excess moisture, mixed with onions, fill with salt, pepper, mix well, and into the pan fry on low heat. On each slice of meat put a tablespoon of prepared stuffing, wrap the meat in the form of tubes, tie the thread and salt. Then put in a pan with hot oil and fry quickly over high heat on all sides until golden brown. After that, reduce the heat, add the beef broth, tomato paste and cook until tender for 40-50 minutes. Serve removing threads and watering juice obtained by quenching. Separately, apply the mashed potatoes.

mashed potatoes

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 1 kg of potatoes, 1 tbsp. milk, 2 tbsp. l. butter, salt - to taste.

How to prepare: Peeled and washed potatoes cook, drain the water, the pot with the potatoes for some time to hold light the fire or in an oven to evaporate the remaining water. Then, without letting the potatoes cool, rub it through a sieve or mash with a wooden pestle, add the oil, salt and, stirring, gradually pour the hot milk.

Lemon Jelly

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. sugar, 25 g gelatin.

How to prepare: In a saucepan pour water, add sugar, stir and boil. The hot syrup put peel, cut from half a lemon, and gelatin, previously soaked. Stirring constantly with a spoon, syrup, bring to a boil again and pour the lemon juice. Hot syrup drain, cool slightly and pour into molds or bowls.

a drink with wine and fruit

Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

How to prepare: Champagne or white table grape wine pour into a crystal or glass jar, add the lemon water (same amount as wine), a bit of liqueur or brandy to taste put the sugar and mix well. Then put fresh fruit - oranges or tangerines, peeled and separated into segments, or canned fruit - peaches, apricots, apples and others. The drink served cold.


Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 450 g of almonds, 10 eggs, 2 tbsp. sugar, 0, 5, Art. crushed breadcrumbs, 0, 5, Art. l. oil.

Creamy weight: 0, 5 liters of cream, 1 tbsp. sugar 1/4 vanilla powder.

How to prepare: Eggs with sugar until white. Separately prepare almonds, for which 400 g of almond washed, dried and pound in a mortar, or mince. Received almond paste mixed with eggs and sugar, and rubbed together for 10-20 minutes. Then the dough to bake two cakes; For this test, pour into two separable mold or two pans of the same size, greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and place in oven for 12-15 minutes. For a creamy mass pour the cream into a saucepan, add sugar and vanilla, put on fire and cook, stirring, until thickened (color should turn light brown); then a creamy mass Remove from heat, cool and mix gently with a spatula. One cake to put on a dish, put a layer of cream on her weight, smooth and cover with second cake, top grease cake creamy mass, sprinkle with chopped, zarumyanennym in the oven almonds and serve.

Recipe Fast chocolate cake from known pastry. Watch the video!


Remember all the 10 Soviet Christmas dishes - video recipes at home

Ingredients: 1 1/4 Art. flour, 2 eggs, 250 g of powdered sugar, 1/4 art. milk, 1 tbsp. heavy cream, 50 g pistachios or almonds, 1/4 vanilla powder.

How to prepare: In a saucepan beat off the eggs, add 200 grams of powdered sugar, and put the vanilla. All this is good to grind until a homogeneous smooth mass. Add flour, stir to dissolve, and the resulting dough with milk.

On baking, the laid parchment tablespoon of dough decomposed and smoothed to form a thin small fritters, then put into a hot oven. Once the edges of pancakes flushed, it is necessary, without removing the entire sheet from the closet, take them one by one and wrap in the form of tubes.

Pistachios or almonds scalded with boiling water, peel and finely chop. Whip cream until a thick foam and mixed with powdered sugar and vanilla. Tubes filled with whipped cream out of the envelope, put in a dish, sprinkle with powdered sugar and pistachio cream.