Stuffed cabbage, pickle and jelly: Lenten table from boss - video recipes at home

Stuffed cabbage, pickle and jelly: Lenten table from boss - video recipes at home
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Stuffed cabbage, pickle and jelly: Lenten table from boss - video recipes at home

Meatless dishes of Russian cuisine from Moscow chef Cyril Zebrina.

Stuffed cabbage, pickle and jelly: Lenten table from boss - video recipes at home

The recipes Chef "Gusyatnikoff" Cyril Zebrina - the author, but inspired by traditional Russian cuisine.

To lean table chef offers restaurant meals that can be prepared at home: mushroom pickle, jellied mushrooms and stuffed savoy cabbage. All these dishes are prepared without meat and butter, but they will delight you with an excellent full-bodied taste.

Stuffed savoy cabbage


sheets savoy cabbage count cabbage

800g Japanese sushi rice boiled, seasoned

200 g of fresh peppers skinless

50 g of celery stalk

250 g of zucchini

250 g of eggplant, skinless

100 g of Chinese cabbage

100 g of onion browned in oil

5 grams of garlic paste

15 g of tomato paste browned

How to prepare:

  1. All the vegetables are finely chopped. Fry, but not until it is ready. Connect with rice. Cool. Zashparennye wrapped in the leaves of savoy cabbage, make a round shape.
  2. Lay stuffed in a saucepan seam down, add water, salt, bay leaf, olive oil, pepper, spices any taste - and stew covered for 5-7 minutes. Set aside for another 10-15 minutes off the fire.

Mushroom rossolnik


400 g basis for rassolnik

40 g of boiled barley, or buckwheat

40 g of boiled potatoes

40 g of cherry tomatoes skinless

2 g of chopped herbs

50 g of soy cream

The basis for rassolnik:

to 10 servings of

2500 ml vegetable broth

85 g of onions

85 g carrots browned

35 celery stalk

350 g of pickles

350 g of cucumber brine

450 grams of mushroom broth

180 g of roasted honey agaric

20 g of lemon juice

50g sugar

8 g of garlic paste


white ground pepper

bay leaf, coriander, cloves, to taste

How to prepare:

Make customary for each family manner broth replacing the water.

Glacial mushrooms

Jellied mushrooms - it's mushrooms, drenched in vegetable broth and served with vegetables and pickles.


180 grams of mushroom broth 400 g of honey agaric tinned

400 grams of mushroom broth

25 g of gelatin

5 g of the chopped greens

salt, ground black pepper

For the garnish:

20 g of cherry tomatoes preserved

15 g of canned patissons

10 g gherkins

20g of salad mix

10 g of cabbage refueling

10 g of fresh horseradish

5 g drunken cranberries

50 g of onions, fried in vegetable oil

How to prepare:

  1. Prepare the filling. This will require a strong mushroom broth, salt, dill, gelatin. Broth with allspice and salt boil, bring to a taste of lemon juice, add black pepper.
  2. Cool to 40 ° C. Enter gelatin. In the form put ottsezhenny marinated mushrooms. Pour the liquid. Chill until ready.